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Don Patterson

10/11/09 12:40 PM

#21564 RE: Capt.Billy #21519

This is Don Patterson of Old Charter Salvage, LLC ! I'm here to set the record straight. YES, we did charge Deep Blue Marine $25K to survey the Kirby Site in Sept/Oct of 2006! We performed an extensive 3 week remote sensing survey of the entire site and determined that there was, and still is, a large deposit of treasure in shallow water (15' to 18') near Woman and Ballast Key!

Yes, The Kirby Group did have ORR perform a magnetometer study of that site; which subsequently showed a large spread of magnetic anomalies in the exact same area that we determined there was a shipwreck with our equipment.

Now then, as fas as this being an exclusive area containing only bomb fragments...I'm going to call BS on that statement! AND HERE'S MY REASONS WHY!!!

1) Any salvor worth his salt who has ever worked that area of the Keys, including the Margarita and Atocha sites, will tell you that you can't hardly dig a whole there without finding bomb fragments!

2) There are 2 very large Circa 1600 (Atocha Class LARGE ANCHORS)on opposite ends of the area that we identified as the shipwreck IMPACT site! One is in about 28ft of water; and the other anchor closer to shore, and is in less than 15' of water! THERE IS NO WAY ON GODS GREEN EARTH THAT A SHIP LARGE ENOUGH TO CARRY THOSE ANCHORS COULD POSSIBLE GET INTO WATER THAT SHALLOW W/O BEING PUSHED THERE BY A MAJOR STORM...PERIOD!!! The rings on these anchors WERE NOT SET, therefore, they were not deployed, nor could they be in such shallow water!

3) Ballast Key is named Ballast Key for a very good reason...THERE ARE BALLAST STONES IN THE WATER ALL AROUND THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE ISLAND!!!

4) When we dove that area in Oct of 2006 and put DPBE on the site, we only did 1 DIVE...HELLO!!! Subsequently, DPBE, and ORR only covered about 10,000 square feet of bottom, that's only a 100' by 100' area...THAT'S A JOKE...The total area that we identified encompasses approximately 135 Square acres with a perimeter of 1.95 Miles!!! So, it's not possible for someone to make a accurate determination of the site with the very limited work that has been performed thus far;~)

5) Paul Mitchell, whom is a well respected gentleman in Key West, actually found the KEEL of the Shipwreck not far from Ballast Key...IN THE EXACT SAME AREA THAT WE IDENTIFIED!!!

6) Finally, Weeell...I have many other reasons that I could post here, but, however, I will not delve into that on this forum, we're supposed to keep it civil I will! Let's just say that I have the utmost faith in our technology and the sites that we have located throughout the world! See website:

We are still actively pursuing serious investment capital to move the Woman Key Site, as well as 6 other sites that we have located, into the recovery phase!

Serious inquires only please!


Don Patterson