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08/29/09 2:16 PM

#106586 RE: san_terre #106585

yea it was ... if you got your timing right and had enough shares you could make insane profits everyday.I remember there was this one stock i wanna say it was EETM or something like that... Its long gone and i literally would have to look it up on my TD waterhouse trade reports in the file cabinet but i remember one day i bought like 50 shares and it went up 18 points and i sold it...then bought it back within 15 minutes and it reversed and bumped again another 15 points and i sold it..
Made like a grand that day and i think the stock was either bought out or just disappeared as so many of them did.

But yea qualcomm was alot of fun back then. It was new,the cellphone market was brand new, I remember the old walmart stores that were much smaller had a kiosk in everyone and you could go in there anytime day or night and there would be someone there buying a cellphone. Motorola i think.