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08/29/09 8:03 AM

#2162 RE: BigBadWolf #2161

Great post.

% From 52-Wk High ($ 0.41 ) -43.86 %
% From 52-Wk Low ($ 0.01 ) 95.79 %
% From 200-Day MA ($ 0.17 ) 40.35 %
% From 50-Day MA ($ 0.14 ) 50.88 %
Price % Change (52-Week) %

Trading Volume - Friday 503,707
Trading Volume - Average 272,900
Trading Volume - Friday vs. Average 184.58 %

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08/29/09 10:38 AM

#2173 RE: BigBadWolf #2161

Great post b.....First off, I am sure I'm not the only one who noticed after the attempted move past 31, the constant attempt to throw a small block or 2 @ 28, after 30 was hit. Then no more 28's, until 30 was hit again. I threw a 30 print up, knowing like clock work it would be a matter of a few minutes before 28 was intentionally hit with a 2k block. Not until we saw 30 again....28....Did anybody also notice NITE was there practically all day absorbing every last 28. For a moment UBSS stepped up to 29 for about a half hour. KNDR should be sitting between .33-.37 as we sit right now. It appears to me, that somebody has more to gain by holding back the run rather than letting it sail away. Also think about this. KNDR was trading @ 50$ a share in late 2006. 30-40 dollars a share in 2007. If there was a short from that range, a short that figured they may never have to face the panel, That would be a significant range from 50$ down to pennies. Just something to think about. Any feed back is more than welcome.