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08/29/09 12:32 PM

#30648 RE: Conrad #30647

Hi Conrad

I feel less comfortable with what the EURO will do against the DOLLAR than what the Australian dollar will do against the US dollar. Not that I know what it will do and when but I have a better feeling as to why it may move (value of commodities).

My own personal feeling is that there is a difference between investing (no matter what the price does you still own something that generates income ) and gambling (a zero sum game where in order for you to make money someone else must lose and the only one who makes money overall is the house). This applies to options and other derivatives.

If I want to invest in the Australian currency I can buy FXA where I am actually paid interest on actual money invested. I don't have as much leverage or volatility but I have "enough" volatility. It is the leverage and volatility that has caused all the recent banking problems.

Good luck with your current research
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08/31/09 6:09 AM

#30655 RE: Conrad #30647

TooFuzzy, Karw, Anybody!

I predicted the future :-)

On Friday I wrote:

I am walking on the edge in this one.

Let those so called "wise" sayings not stifle the sense of adventure! I suspect that the EUR/USD Index will be € 3,50 on Monday.

Now it is your turn to be adventurous: "What will the EUR/USD Index be on Monday at 09:30 Amsterdam time in your opinion?"

I expected the EUR/USD Index to drop this weekend on account of the market rise in Europe on Friday and an expected drop in market prices in Europe on Monday.

I had bought 50 units EUR/USD Turbo short 1.448 @ € 2,81.
A few days earlier I had bought 20 units @ 3,08.

This weekend I gave an order to sell 70 unis @ € 3,00 limit.

This morning I woke up and the Turbo price opened at € 3,47 and the Sell was executed at that price ! The price rose to 3,50 and started dropping again.

I was right on the money!
This moment (12:16 Amsterdan Time) the price spread is 3.31 - 3.34

@ Karw
I read the story on the link TooFuzzy provided on the Fund

that was "interesting" according to you. I tried to figure our what they were actually doing but I could not fathom any of it and all I got out of it was a hocus-pocus story about money managers using secret techniques. . .the ususal spiel when people do not want to tell what they do so they only tell how good their system supposedly is.

What did they say anyway?

On the average share cost for an dynamic trading system: Is that not a trivial issue? It was already discussed ages ago before AIM was invented, using the prior basics of Dollar Cost Averaging?. . . (Equity Cost+ Trading (Cost)/#Shares)

Lichello used DCA as a launching pad for his AIM. Simply by recognizing that at low equity prices extra units equity were acquired and more units at high prices does AIM accelerate the effects of DCA by increasing buys at low prices and selling off a high prices the DCA principle was accelerated.

This AIM-effect is accelerated with my Vortex Method using aggressive dynamic trading and once more decelerated by my TurboVest Method for super fast reduction of average share price.
