Wow...two years ago I started doing options - small time rarely more than a few contracts at a time. My cousing called me up and asked me what I thought about Penny stocks. Told him to stay away they were ridiculously crazy and you will lose your shirt! He convinced me to look at SPNG. I did and bought a bit at .027, and shortly after that some more at .032. That was last October. Then I kind of forgot about, watched, forgot etc. Then it dipped to a penny or less and I figured I just lost a few thousand....confirming my thoughts on Penny stocks. Then it started rising and I started reading, and reading, and following. I even bought a few other pennys....actually I got hooked, and am constantly watching. Never sold a share of SPNG yet, and I am glad. I have played buying and selling the others, but SPNG is going to be my new Sea Moral of story, I came to Pennys and SPNG in a strange way too.