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08/23/09 7:42 PM

#33667 RE: 99leadballoons #33666



08/23/09 7:56 PM

#33669 RE: 99leadballoons #33666

i think your question makes total sense

but let's be realistic .. every answer
will be as varied as each individual's

i didn't just listen 1 x to the CC
within the first week .. i listened a few times

then i went back about a week ago and listened
again <because even tho' i've taken notes> i keep
*hearing* something new .. that makes me turn around
and do some additional DD on something i wasn't aware of

i listened again today .. so i've probably listened
in total .. about 6 x now ~

i think one of the perspectives everyone has to keep ~
is that there are some who've literally <by their time
and DD> have lived and breathed this co. for well over
a year .. perhaps longer .. <i'm not one of them> even
tho' i've held shares for close to a year

i will always respect those whose input i can trust
and those i can independently verify

i also trust in certain individuals because i've
talked with them .. that goes outside of this venue

as for jd .. he does have *inflections* in his tone
i find them intriguing on a few levels .. on the one
hand i found him very conservative in certain aspects
<ie not pr'ing any order under 100k regardless of who
it originated with ~ no.s mentioned there ran to 20-30
customers> and yet <from my pov> he is rather excited
by the *potential* of this *proprietary* product

i saw that *excitement* again in the last pr where the
word *massive* was mentioned .. now .. to me
<as i posted> jd has never come across as the type for hyperbole ..

one last thing .. that can't be ignored .. and that is
the effect last year's overall market implosion and credit
seize up .. had on expo and their customers <we'll never
know what was postponed or canceled due to that environment>
and yet look at who he's able to access money from .. i also
get a kick out the landlord .. who is one of expo's largest
shareholders .. i just think everyone should listen to that
*exchange* again .. it just makes me smile


to me it comes down to confidence and risk tolerance
i'm the eternal optimist given the right reasons ..
imo while there are always hurdles any co. faces
jd has proven to me .. he has a core group of clients
and products that have a demand for said clients ~
there is also something else i look for and that is
a core group of longs

lastly .. 2 things strike me as moving to the next level
that is the hiring of moving ideas and the web cam
both of these are moves that i think most can understand
while other aspects are worked on <otc bb uplist>

i've never hesitated to buy into a legit co.
if i believe that management is transparent
that could be via filing/CC's and/or pr's of content
i almost always give a 3 to 5 year time horizon

some crash and burn .. some falter and take detours..
and some succeed .. but my motto is: i'd rather be
*early* to the party .. than never get an invite at all .. :)

all jmo


08/23/09 8:31 PM

#33678 RE: 99leadballoons #33666

Springroll : Persons who invest in OTCBB's and OTC's will be wrong about company and stock most of the time . So , trusting well intentioned or agenda'ed retail investors would be similar to the blind leading the blind .

It is third party corroborations that one must ALWAYS look for on ANY stock , more particularly on the deservedly maligned OTCBB and OTC Systems where deception is a pandemic .

Regarding EXPO / EXPH all EXPH investors need to trust are the due diligences of billion dollar Lowes , Home Depot , Newell Rubbermaid , Stanley Tool , Bosch , other companies , and the Chartered Banks who lent / lend EXPO money .

The aforementioned companies have Articles of Incorporation , Internal Control Auditors , Boards of Directors , and the Sarbanes Oxley Act that ensure mistakes are NOT made with any facet of their respective businesses and public accountabilities .

They didn't get to be billion dollar giants by taking chances with Wile E. Coyote Acme companies . They define crossing
' t's ' and dotting ' i's ' .

So ....TRUST their DD on Expo Holdings . EXPH the stock will soon gain the same respectability that the Company has achieved .



08/23/09 10:29 PM

#33692 RE: 99leadballoons #33666

Anyone who has played around with the pinks/otc has been bit more than once by a ceo or president. I have talked to ceo's on the phone saying one thing and then doing something totally different. I have seen then pr stuff reguarding products that never happens, I have seen then pump out pr's that never happen and then a few weeks later you see that insiders sold on that news when they made the stock run, I have been part of more than one that had the ceo hit the courts for fraud..... should I continie???

So when people come on here and ask why would some sell on the short pops and short runs.... I totally get it. You dont hold these stocks, you make a nice pop get out and move on to the next. New plays happen every day and if you hold most time you will lose most of your money because you likely bought on promises that never get delivered.

So do I believe JD and do I think you should hold this stock for the potential? Yes and No. I have no reason not to believe him, but he has put many things into the public that he now has to deliver on. I realize he sometimes will follow a statement with an "if" or a "but" so I realize he is covering his butt a bit. I think they have something that he believe has massive potential.... and it very well may, but that doesnt mean its a lock.... many things could go wrong. So I dont blame people for profit taking, and I dont blame people holding for potential... if you make 500% how greedy should you get, you might get greedy and ride it right down to being even again. Greed in the pinks usually is not a good strategy.

If we deal with a customer like wal-mart it could be great and it could make them go out of business in the long run. Expo is a small company, so to deal with a monster like wal-mart you likely have to work on smaller margin and make up for it in volume and you have to bend over backwards to please them. You would need a big company expansion and hire on a lot of extra employees. If they pulled your contract/didnt re-up you may go out of business because most of your income may have just left the building.

Personally I have listened to the CC about 6 times. I have done some checking into the company. I based my decisions slightly on the past but mostly on the "potential" future. I dont see myself holding more than half my position in this at this time next year. I will take money off the table when the time is right and let the rest ride for fun. I personally cant judge the potential until I judge what I think about the product and then see how they handle expansion and funding the massive undertaking of this new venture. It cost money to make money and if this thing doesnt work out or the economy takes another turn for the worse it could really sting. So far this looks like one of the best pinks I have seen, and I wish good luck to all


08/23/09 10:56 PM

#33698 RE: 99leadballoons #33666

Group 2