Wife and I went to Winco the other day. Their bulk food in the barrels were very good prices. Some organic.
We checked out PCC and Whole Foods this week also. All I can say about shopping there is I think the manufacture thinks the word organic on a label is worth 50% mark up. Just unreal prices. So we are going to stick with Cash & Carry, Costco, Winco, Safeway.
We started writing down products with prices, weight, how much they made if a mix, factors like that.
Getting very serious now about what we eat as well as the cost. We figure it won't take long to know exactly what store to get what we use at best price, ingredients, etc and not only save money but eat better.
Started expanding the garden also in order to eat food that we know how it was grown and unlike processed foods what is in it.
The internet now is amazing for getting recipes and learning from others. Here is a link I've been learning a lot at.......