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Evil Rabbit

08/22/09 2:44 PM

#67887 RE: jfburk #67885

Has anyone asked Merle when we might expect an update on Shining Tree?
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08/22/09 2:46 PM

#67888 RE: jfburk #67885

It could be any day now or it could be several weeks/months from now - no one knows (except maybe Keevil & co).

An email of mine to Merle earlier this week re/ whether or not there is any activity going on at the Shining Tree property resulted in the simple answer of: "Not sure."

I responded to Merle saying that I didn't feel that was a sufficient answer - that a simple yes or no would suffice re/ if there is ANY sort of priority for this property or if ALL resources are allocated to Nemegosenda. He responded by saying that he actually was not sure - that Scott was not out of the country, but was "unreachable" for clarification at that time. I don't have any more info than that.

Merle is extremely tight-lipped when it comes to giving out any sort of info - often to the point of coming across as "abrasive" for lack of a better word. I carefully phrase my questions so as not to seem like I'm trying to get any insider info (those efforts wouldn't bear any fruit anyways), but even the most straightforward and non-rule breaking questions often get a simple one word answer that provides no indication one way or another. As our IR I have to believe that he has been directed by management to be VERY careful with what information he discloses. So we have to appreciate that we are not going to get much, if anything at all, from Merle. If this is how he was directed to do his job, he's doing it remarkably well and he is remarkably consistent!

Just thought I would give everyone a head's up on what you're likely to get if trying to find some answers from our IR - a whole lotta nothin'! Merle stands by his statement (paraphrased) of "when there is news worthy developments with the company, you'll find out via a NR at the same time as everyone else." Gotta respect it, I suppose.

Have a good one all.