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08/22/09 2:50 PM

#175776 RE: Rapp #175771

And they may not have many employees, but they do keep the best lawyers on tap, a great pr firm and fine website.

As the saying goes, it's not how much you know, it's who who hire.
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08/22/09 9:55 PM

#175816 RE: Rapp #175771

Rapp, I certainly respect you but I think some of our posters do not really have a firm grasp on what is the role of the stock holder. And pardon me from saying your post supports that theory.

Please important information by Wilkipedia

The Stockholder Theory as interpreted by Wilkipedia

[b}The stockholder theory states that stockholders advance capital to corporate managers who act as agents in advancing their interests.

This theory was forwarded by Milton Friedman, who was quoted saying, "There is one and only one social responsibility of business: to use its resources to engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition, without deception or fraud." This can be found in M. Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962) p. 133.

The idea of the stockholder theory, some argue, is inconsistent with the idea of corporate social responsibility at the cost of the stakeholder. For example, a company donating services or goods to help those hurt in a natural disaster, in some ways, may be considered not taking action in the best interest of the shareholder. Some may argue that goods provided to society in a time of need builds further allegiance to a corporation and in theory, meeting the stockholder theory's requirement to look in the best interest of the stockholder.

comment: many here have expressed that we are being left out of news releases or unable to release news material to our corporation. That is a wrong, wrong premise. No United States Corporation can be intimidated not to release information that is matrial to the corporation. Period. It is against the law and providing an unlevel playing field for the stock holders whose participation, in part, created and sustained the corporation with investment.