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08/24/09 3:22 AM

#7855 RE: Johnnyvits #7854

Identa's dichotomy stems between dilution and delirious potential

That is what is hurting volume investors don't know if this CEO is finished diluting yet worse, he's not interested in being accountable on that subject. Yet dilution or even the threat of dilution is a serious consideration no matter how much potential hangs in the balance. To restore shareholder confidence he must come clean on what his intentions are.

If this CEO dilutes further or he stops diluting he needs to say so up front and not loiter in the weeds like he is doing because his credibility has been severely tested; moreover the damage was self inflicted. He is on record as publicly announcing a buy-back yet he promptly did exactly the opposite diluting billions of shares. All the while preaching to the choir about the next great contract and the next world class detector or unique patent. The claims that Identa was not in debt and using ALL revenue to go back into R&D. He publicly announced the buyback, never once following up publicly yet quietly disclosing on some obscure website he had diluted so many billion here and there. This is exactly where I lost faith in this CEO to look out for his shareholders. IMHO the classic pump and dump personified, he betrayed the loyal long something sinister. So now the CEO is no longer the investor's CEO, knowingly or unknowingly he is the villain. Silently threatening investors with the dilution of unknown quantity and who now can be expected to dilute further, stopping the best news possible in it's tracks. Does this sound at all familiar to you?

I think that is why Woodie has left vits and many more besides. Even with the best product in the world you still need to depend on GOOD management to make strategically sound decisions. Monkey business cannot be supported by the market it is a death sentence to investor returns but someone capable of walking the talk... now that is a different kettle of fish entirely.

Potential certainly. Identa has it in spades TA traders from all flanks saying all Identa needs is one GOOD PR and it's off to the races. They of course are 100% correct IMO but that is assuming this CEO will not dilute sending this reeling sideways once more.

Based on the CEO's historical performance that is a mighty big assumption. If the CEO were to come clean on what his intentions are dilution wise, then shareholders could piece together IDTA's TRUE potential and show support accordingly. The ill conceived pump & dump was a mistake and now he is paying for it, how many Woodies are we about to lose if this continues. If he insists on being coye and evasive about share structure then I think it's sheer folly to anticipate the large sustained volume this stock so desperately needs will happen.

I couldn't agree more the potential from UNODC alone is simply staggering if you have been here long enough to appreciate the progress being made recently, the opportunity for IDTA is mind boggling. France huge revenue seems very close indeed. DOD contracting well that will attract a whole new class of investor as you personally have experienced the sky is the limit.

The question for me is how far in, does this CEO intend to drive that dagger of dilution every time Identa makes headway? What is our present burn rate opposed to revenue income. I agree with Woodie 100% the company will succeed, NOT A DOUBT IN MY MIND .

Will the typical IDTA investor share in that success aaaaa-HAH! Now we're getting down to the nitty gritty. I simply don't know because this CEO isn't talking about issues that directly impact investor success. When you think about what every IDTA shareholder is missing out on because of his potential to torpedo investor returns, it's a crime shame but it is none the less very real.

He must regain the market's trust Johnnyvits just that simple. P&D's won't ever accomplish that but accountability will. For everyone's sake I hope he's listening. BTW if you see ohiobuckeye in your travels say hello to him for me please John. Top shelf kinda guy :-)