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08/20/09 10:04 PM

#121752 RE: mretgnol #121718

"My original post was about Stu's being asked by my attornies why the company was claiming they were advised by the DTCC to sue their shareholders. Are you insinuating Stu at any time was involved with the issues Megas has with the DTCC? "

And what was Stu's answer to your attorney? Of course Stu was present, thus involved, at that unpleasant meeting with the DTGCC.

To my knowledge, Megas has never lied.

"Umm, $60 Million assets," [ Megas never stated anything about his net worth, that I know of.. ] " going to seek a legal remedy to overturn the shares he gave to Capital Growth based upon the bad advise he received," [ that he hasn't, yet, could be interpreted harmless ways, such as it wasn't worth it, or it's a delayed action, or it's still an option] Stewart has never been in trouble, fully reporting (LMAO)[ Stewart is not Megas ] He lied point blank to a licensed attorney and BCIT shareholder from PA on two occasions [ and what were the two occasional lies? Lay it out.]

Megas said that, behind closed doors, the DTCC refused to open its books on trades, told Megas to get that information himself via subpoenas issued to all shareholders. When the information came in, it was stopped by threats from brokerages' lawyers at about 36% reporting. And Megas had enough information to draw conclusions about extent of nss in BCIT, and he still had enough money left to walk, because the big guns of the brokerages who steal millons in nss shares sold, could afford to cause Megas serious financial drainage from a protracted number of lawsuits. Megas has spent a lot more money of his own, fighting this, than any of us has spent
acquiring stock Megas did not sell us.

Arakit..if the brokerages really are in deep and Tom 100% knows that he nor Stewart caused those extra sales, Tom can walk into any huge law firm with his proof and never have to pay a penny to sue all these fools. Not a penny. The actual proof would make law firms like Berger and Montague salivate over a case like this. The big boys get sued every day. Big Tobacco got whacked. Dow Corning got whacked. If the proof is there....the big law firms will take this.

We are talking to a major law firm come recommended to us by NASAA..... we are talking contingency. duh?

Megas is now expected to spend more on legal efforts? I don't think so.

Yes, like it or not, he has a legal responsibility to his shareholders. [ We are not his shareholders. ]That's part of selling stock publicly. If Tom wants to cut his losses, move aside and appoint someone who can and will move this legally. [ Sorry, it's his
company, his play, not ours. Our beef is with our certless feckless brokers, not Megas. ]

But I don['t think
insults to his integrity and past efforts are going to
help, here.

True. However, it is also insulting to sit back and see Tom selectively pass around information. The same Tom who has made several mistakes with this over the last 4 years. [ I'd rather have selective information than none. And what is being passed,
makes a lot of sense to me. He has a life besides BCIT's orphaned shareholders. We are lucky he cares much further,
having waged a hard long fight, already, with crooked agencies and an overwhelmed, underinformed congress.

Please submit your correspondence
with your state AG's, stage security officers, State Senators.

I have no interest in passing on heresay to my Senator. I would rather have Tom make a public statement as to what happened and I will forward Tom's words to my Senator's office. [ My Senator was quite able to grasp the problem, just receiving
a letter from me and the well organized web site as well as statements from Megas which in no way conflict with the
overall situation. Apparently you think we shareholders have no grievance with our crooked market sufficient to contact
our congresspeople? ]

Megs has no leverage with our government, being a Brit, that is why is is useful for us to contact our state officials and reps and fedeeral reps and keep pushing.

Stewart does. Where's Stew's complaint? Have Megas call his good buddy Stew and post a copy of Stew's letter(s) here on IHUB. [ repeat, Stewart is not Megas. Nor is Stewart likely to think the shareholder's cause is a problem for anybody
but the shareholders. Megas shows a lot more conscience toward us. Forget Stewart. That's not a welcome avenue for us
to enlist, imho]