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Old Frank P

07/08/02 6:18 PM

#6 RE: marcos #5

marcos... yes, yes... National Gold, two things - one, I hear that the Mulatos properties might even be better than was once thought - and two, National Gold is apparently on the acquisition trail. So holding this one LT might not be such a bad idea - I don't have any yet, I don't particularly care for joint ventures - but the cash flow from a producing mine plus the potential of growth through a little M&A activity might make for an excellent speculation.

...about Strictly Drilling... the thread is still going strong - ticking like a Timex, even after 15,000 posts - I do wonder if it'll take off over here - although I haven't tried real hard. If it dies, c'est la vie... I'll just be your sidekick instead. :)

Frank P.