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Tony Jeletonev

08/19/09 11:38 AM

#6963 RE: masko23 #6961

I got no problem with an opposing long as it is not backed by hot air with NO FACTS of anything...just to try and get honest investor's money by scaring them to sell their shares for these cheap prices at a loss...the only goal these people have is to keep trying to flip this stock and make a few hundred bucks every day...and by doing so..of course, they need to induce selling by scaring people who bought their shares at a higher price at a loss...

I have withnessed this now for months...and frankly , calling the CEO a scam & con artist , and calling the company a POS..and yelling dilution of hundreds of millions of UNAUTHORIZED shares..saying that Edward Vakser sold unregistered shares with absolutely NO FACTS or any proof to back it up..and all this , just to again scare people out of their hard earned dollars...what would you call this?


08/19/09 11:41 AM

#6965 RE: masko23 #6961

those outbursts should not taint your view of this stock. period. very uneeded outburst there but im sure he just let the emotions get the best of him, which should not happen.

should not ever taint your view on this stock or any other just because of a comment. those posts are not from the company themselves. just from a single investor. should not taint your view of a stock just because of dumb comments. if that were the case every dumb comment on a board i should have a tainted view of the stock because of that. NOT.

business plan is still the same. quarter due by tomorrow and 3q should be fantastic. all said gltya