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08/18/09 8:13 AM

#601 RE: fla-trader #600

Jury award reinforces dangers of wet cement
Sunday, July 26, 2009 3:25 AM
By Tracy Townsend

Shimmering like beach sand smoothed by a receding tide, wet cement looks harmless.

Rick Carter knows better -- now.

Two-and-a-half years ago, eager to pick up some much-needed cash, the unemployed engineer agreed to build a concrete patio in a client's backyard.

Carter, now 46, stood and knelt in wet cement for hours, unaware that chemicals in the mix could cause severe burns.

The result: The Columbus resident suffered third-degree burns on his legs, knees and hands. He spent 27 days in the hospital, part of the time in a medically induced coma.

Last month, Carter was awarded $3.6 million for his injuries. A jury in Franklin County Common Pleas Court decided that the company that provided the ready-mix cement failed to alert Carter to the hazards of using the material without protective clothing or equipment.

"The truck driver never told him to get up out of the wet cement, never told him it could cause third-degree burns, never told him allowing it to saturate his pants was even more dangerous because he held the chemicals against his skin," said Dan Mordarski, Carter's attorney.

With his wounds now healed, Carter is seeking a graduate degree in industrial engineering from North Carolina A&T State University. He's eager to forget the pain he endured and move on.

Mordarski and occupational-safety experts, however, say Carter's experience should serve as a warning to those who work with Portland-cement-based concrete, especially do-it-yourselfers with little or no appreciation of the potential dangers.

"This was a guy who was literally just trying to make ends meet doing odd jobs and knew nothing about the hazards of wet cement," Mordarski said.

Dry cement contains calcium oxide, which isn't particularly dangerous, according to Concrete Monthly, a trade journal published in cooperation with the Concrete Alliance, an industry group.

But when water is added to it, calcium hydroxide is formed, the magazine said. Calcium hydroxide is extremely alkaline, with a pH of 12 to 13. Normal human skin has a pH of 5.5.

Contact with unprotected skin can produce severe caustic burns.

Worse yet, someone might have wet cement on his or her skin for hours without feeling any discomfort, the magazine noted. Typically, by the time someone becomes aware of a burn, much damage has already occurred and further damage is difficult to stop.

That's what happened to Carter.

"The chemicals don't create a burning sensation; you don't feel the pain," Mordarski said. "It's a deceptive situation."

The publication Occupational Health & Safety recently referred to the phenomenon as "the sneak attack" of cement burns.

Early identification of changes in the skin is critical, experts say.

The first sign of a burn is often a bluish-purple skin discoloration, Concrete Monthly noted. Some patients also report a red inflammation or rash near the affected area, followed by severe blistering.

Cement burns can result in disfiguring scars and even limb amputations.

To avoid such problems when working with wet cement, wear clothing that can't be penetrated -- including alkali-resistant gloves, boots and kneepads -- and remove your watch and any jewelry that might trap the mixture against your skin.

It's also a good idea to wash your skin regularly with cool water and a pH-neutral soap. Avoid lanolin, petroleum jelly and other skin-softening products, because they can seal cement to the skin and increase the skin's ability to absorb contaminants.

Concrete Monthly offers these recommendations for those who are exposed:

• Remove any contaminated clothing, being careful not to touch unexposed areas. Promptly rinse the clothes in clean water.

• Gently brush any dry chemicals off your skin and flush the affected area with clean running water for at least 20 minutes. To help neutralize the alkalinity, add vinegar, citrus or a buffer to the water.

• Carefully check your skin. If you notice any discoloration or inflammation, seek medical attention immediately.

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08/18/09 9:28 AM

#642 RE: fla-trader #600

Although these problems from being exposed to cement are hazardous, it is good to know that there is a better and safer just on the horizon for those who come in contact with it on a regualr basis.