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08/19/09 3:12 PM

#3081 RE: TASHI #3080

Conference call was disconnected due to "unauthorized activity." Anyone know what's up?
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Nihonto Chicken

08/19/09 3:21 PM

#3084 RE: TASHI #3080

Just finished listening to the CC, encouraging as ever, but the FDA approval still seems elusive as ever. I'm with caller "Bill in the C-arm business", that someone or some people in the FDA are deliberately holding this up. Note that there has been evidence of political meddling in the past, when nine FDA scientists formally complained the President Bush, and then later again to Pesident Obama, specifically with regards to extraneous interference in the medical device approval process, though it appears to have been more about giving the big boys a pass rather than stepping on the small guys. Meddling still. Article link:

See also Wiki write-up (scroll down to last paragraph):

Hypothetical question: If IMGG were instead GE or Toshiba, would Dominion be already approved?

I didn't bring this up on the CC, because Dean couldn't likely admit to any suspicion or evidence of political pressure for fear such an admission would in fact increase the adversity within the FDA. I was thinking of asking what the shareholders and other concerned citizens might be able to do to light a fire under the FDA, but experience with the SEC, FDIC, DTCC, Fed and Treasury, plus evidence of similar political crap within the FDA, implies the answer is "damned little to nothing." If I'm incorrect here, let me know what I/we can do.

Sorry for the rant, will go back to sitting on my underwater shares and hoping that the FDA finally runs out of excuses.