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08/17/09 4:15 PM

#37587 RE: P K G #37581

So, let me get this right. Sneakyman posted the OS shares as 86.58 million at the end of April, and you double checked (that would be at least three times including the first time) to make sure you were right and he was wrong that the OS was 80 million shares. That's funny. I checked once and the OS shares at the end of January 2009 are clearly displayed as 86.58 million shares at the bottom of the first page. Just like Sneakyman said. So, he gets it right the first time and it takes you three times to prove him right. I would prefer no more daily share updates thank you. it just takes too long to keep having to go find the correct information. I'm from Florida, ya'll but we only need one shot at the calculator. Here's your sign......

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08/18/09 1:15 AM

#37611 RE: P K G #37581

Now here I am having to stop once again and cite SEC filings as a measure of past events for the very same people who demand that this company can only be measured by SEC filings from past events.

This picture below clearly shows that as of January 31, 2009, there were 86.58 million shares outstanding for DKAM. This filing was put out March 23, 2009.

Yet everyone is being bombarded with the fact there were 80 million outstanding for DKAM as of April 30, 2009 as shown by this, plus now we have all this massive dilution:

Posted by: P K G Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:50:38 PM
In reply to: None Post # of 37610

As of 8/13/09, the BOD, officers, management owned 33.03 % of O/S.

PK's ownership dropped to 14.38%. It was 15.55% just back on 4/30/09, dropping over one quarter percent each and every month.

Other large holders might want to calculate how much they have been diluted.

Divide the shares you own by 101,699,349.

That will be accurate for only a couple of days as the O/S are increasing daily now.

I will keep you updated on the O/S.

Back on 4/30/08, you would have divided by 80,014,601.


And this:

Posted by: P K G Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:36:22 PM
In reply to: RILO787 who wrote msg# 37509 Post # of 37610

Are you saying the O/S are not correct?

Every figure I posted is absolutely correct. No errors.

The O/S shares were 101,699,349 on 8/13/09 up from 80,014,601 on 4/30/08.

All large shareholders should be very concerned about this. Also, that 101,699,349 figure is going up daily.

As I posted. O U C H!

You are a large holder, too, are you not?

IMO, you are being mistreated.

So, I step up and cite the real facts on Monday so would be and current investors are not misled, and I get this:

Posted by: P K G Date: Monday, August 17, 2009 3:33:24 PM
In reply to: sneaky_peaky who wrote msg# 37552 Post # of 37610

You just can't get anything right. I double checked and went to another filing, on 3/7/08 the O/S were 80,862,311. Your figure is wrong. Later the O/S went to 86+ million on the way to 101 + million now.

Another poster cites the real facts also, and he gets this:

Posted by: P K G Date: Monday, August 17, 2009 5:01:16 PM
In reply to: Coopermun who wrote msg# 37587 Post # of 37610

You might want to read my post again and check the date I used for the 80 million. I also clearly stated it moved up to 86 million on it's way to 101+ million. Sneaky posted my figure was wrong. NOT! My figures are correct and shows a better picture of the extent of dilution.

You can look forward to my updating the O/S as I see fit. Nothing, IMO, is worse for us present stockholders than to be diluted from our percentage holding of the company. Certainly, the pps can not move up as we have certainly seen.

The only protection against dilution is, as one poster posted that he had done, to add to the number of shares held. Buy 20% more shares if the dilution is 20%, maintaining a constant "piece of the pie".

Dilution is BAD!, BAD!.

Usually it is the start of things bad to come. Hopefully not for DKAM.

First, you can clearly see from the poster's claims there is considerable confusion. The poster cited 80.1 million shares on April 30. The poster then went and backed up 7 weeks to March 7, and found there were 700,000 more shares outstanding at 80.8 million shares. Was there a buyback? No.

As the filing clearly shows, as of January 31, 2009, there were 86.58 million shares outstanding. Yet this poster contends as of April 30, 2009, there were 80 million shares outstanding. So, 6.5 million less a full three months later. Was there a stock buy back? No.

A closer look at the filing clearly shows that as of January 31, 2008, there were 81.1 million shares outstanding. A full 1.1 million more than this poster insists is outstanding 15 months later on April 30, 2009.

This poster seems intent on everyone believing in this massive dilution. I for one, IMO, cannot put faith in an opinion when that same opinion cannot even post proper facts, and has cited no links or substantiating evidence to support a current 101 million shares, NOR 80.1 million as of April 30, 2009, NOR 80.7 million shares as of March 7, 2009.

The way I see it is this. If this company had 81.1 million shares on January 31, 2008, and there is any evidence to suggest there is 101 million OS shares now, then the company has issued 25% more shares over the course of the past almost 19 months. And that same number translates into 17% more shares in the past 7 months.

Now, as I stated earlier, Drinks just weathered the worst economic crisis this nation has ever faced. The doors are still open. No company ever went bankrupt from issuing more shares. The 14 million shares total that are rumored to be additional outstanding shares since the end of January add $14000 to the liability side of DKAM's balance sheet. They also lower the loss per share currently existing for DKAM.

And in exchange, it allowed all the things to happen I just cited including the ability to introduce the strongest beer offering the sector has seen in two decades.

It's important to remember that I did say this:

Posted by: sneaky_peaky
In reply to: P K G who wrote msg# 37544 Date:8/17/2009 2:04:25 PM
Post #37552 of 37610

No, I would hate to be a real big holder and have someone tell me my position has been diluted by 27% since April 30, when in fact the authorized and outstanding shares of DKAM as of that date was 86.58 million shares therefore resulting in a 17% increase in outstanding shares.

Further, it would be more of an injustice to usurp that same individual's large position and level of intelligence by ignoring this climate in which shares were issued as the worst economic crisis this nation has faced, as well as this company, all while they were putting the biggest sales and profit generator for the company into the market.