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10/03/09 10:47 PM

#216 RE: lifegear #212


John Gyver

10/10/09 12:12 AM

#217 RE: lifegear #212

What do you make of this? Worth the gamble to scoop up some shares at .0001 and wait and see? If the commons trade in a higher range then maybe the Preferred are worth scooping up?

I went to the companies website digging for info... I did not see anything of great use here. I was looking for some sort of posted filing that would provide clarity of companies current situation. Maybe the preferred shares will get something at the end of the road? Even a single penny per share would be a monster run at these levels.

Have you dug up any good info?

Thanks Lifegear! Didn't you play GZFX back in the day???

John Gyver