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Replies to #31 on Basher Heaven
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09/11/04 2:55 AM

#32 RE: janice shell #31

Janice. You need to move to the NVEI board.

Read these PR's. Read some filings.
These guys are the biggest con man that I've ever seen.
They have used the God card to basically start a cult there.

They have been lying to shareholders for years.
They have no technology.

Took movie money and ran it through private books even though first PR stating they'd do a movie made no mention the revenues would be going through a private companies books.
Start in the year 2000 of the archive PR's here with this link. You'll be amazed.

Any of you here want a movie script here you go.

I use to be stupid enough to believe these con men.
One thing to be a fool, another to remain one.

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09/28/04 2:08 AM

#34 RE: janice shell #31

Janice. Here is a good example post that really gets to the core of what a scam cult NVEI is.
This person did a very fine job getting to the truth of how this has played out.
Once you read this you will know why I asked you to look into NVEI. Once you read their pr's you'll be amazed they haven't been sued a million times. Most are to broke to sue.
The others to embarrassed.

Hello NVEIers,

I have personally been involved with NVEI for over 3 years now. I first heard about this stock from a friend so I began the process of researching company filings and reading the RB message boards. It seemed like an unbelievable investment opportunity so I began buying shares in 1 to 5 K blocks until I owned over 70,000 shares. Posters on RB continuously reiterated that things were progressing excellently and that they had ”insider connections” with the organization and its management. *** I don’t want to mention any names because many of these posters are still around. *** They constantly confirmed that NVEI had solved the last mile solution and they would completely redefine the world of high speed internet over copper wires! This type of communication was also reiterated in company letters to shareholders on the New Visual web site.

Part way through my NVEI journey I was drawn into whats known as the “NVEI Web Team” - this is where the real deception and manipulation began. This is a special group of investors (the inner circle) that systematically collaborate together via various message boards, email and chat rooms to encourage investors and promote the NVEI stock. These are the individuals that influence “newbies” and brainwash them to also spread the NVEI propaganda (even many long time members are not totally aware of the “NVEI Web Team” since they are disguised as normal investors and good family and church going citizens). They have been using their large collective holding of shares to make profits on high volume trades (even on moves of a few cents) on pumps and runs. The unfortunate part is that I dont think they are really doing anything technically illegal, just highly unethical! Furthermore, they have carefully created an image of this stock to make its potential appear FAR GREATER than its actual potential is anywhere close to being! If you have any doubt about the fact that this is happening, ponder this: think about how abnormal or odd it is to rigorously defend a company that has had such obvious and blatant failures and has mislead shareholders regularly in the past. What motive could a person doing that have? Of course there are some who just get drawn into their new social circle of friends and mimic the group behavior, but the “leaders” are deliberately attempting to influence (please trust me on this).

I now find it unbelievable at how I was literally brainwashed by this group. Their persuasion philosophy is actually quite simple: Logic, Trust and Repetition. There are many posters on this site appearing to be “good guys” but are actually systematically using this technique to draw and maintain investors into this stock (and doing it successfully, I might add). Hitler actually once said, “With enough logic and repetition, you can convince any person that a circle is in fact a square!” One of their techniques most often used is posting phone (or in person) conversations with NVEI management. This is constantly used to create a high level of trust that everything is OK because I was personally assured by NVEI management and its not just my personal opinions.

I know many people here will attack me as being a “basher in disguise” and I am willing to accept that. But honestly, that is not my intent. The fact that some of the longs here will attack me and try to prove me wrong is EXACLTY what the “NVEI Web Team” group wants. They will re-engineer their persuasion when the longs start using logic at why NVEI is such a good and unique stock (and do it frequently) ***Remember: Logic, Trust and Repetition!*** I know that I was foolish to take message posters too seriously initially, but I just don’t want others to suffer the same consequences that I did. Especially if they are new to investing.

I really don’t know if NVEI management is directly involved in this manipulation but they are certainly contributing and helping the cause considering the nature of the PRs that they have issued over the past few years. One of the greatest and most powerful factors in motivation is to keep a goal just within reach - exactly what NVEI has achieved with their PR’s (like dangling a carrot in front of a Rabbit)! This is exactly why some people get so motivated with slot machines, thinking that the payoff is just a few more spins away and they are willing to put “just one more coin” into the machine. That “one more coin” ends up being their life savings. Similarly with commissioned salespeople or self-employed individuals. They are willing to put in LONG hours of work (with low incomes) and still be HIGHLY motivated because the HUGE payoff might be just around the corner. NVEIs frequent unsubstantiated teaser PR’s and Presidents Letters have facilitated to achieve this by “keeping the hope alive” of even bigger and better things to come if you just hang on a “little longer” - a seemingly deliberate attempt to influence.

Think about what has been happening over the past few years, does all of the above seem familiar? And NOT ONE of NVEIs major goals regarding the TECHNOLOGY have been accomplished yet...they just keep on extending timelines and refrain from giving straight answers to critical questions (just more and more BIGGER and BETTER promises). In this manner, investors are manipulated in a very subtle but highly effective way. Don’t let the lies, deceit, scamming or whatever you want to call this continues, all the while putting more money in NVEI managements pockets! Its your money, invest it wisely. STOP for a moment and just think about WHY you have stayed invested (despite repeated failure) or even purchased more shares! You should now become aware of the subtle and delicate forms of manipulation played on these boards and from company PRs that have influenced you (often unconsciously). Think about the amount of money you have spent on NVEI - is it significantly more that you initially projected (be honest with yourself when you answer this question)? *** Can you recall situations where constant logic, trust, and repetition were used to reassure you that everything is going GREAT despite the seeming failure of the company and its stock? ***

Best of luck to you all. And remember, when you invest do your research and don’t ever blindly accept what you read in message boards...regardless of how credible and trustworthy some of the posters may seem. Remember, they systematically use professional propaganda methods and techniques to build their credibility, like talking about family, friends, kids, hobbies and church to create trust (please understand that I am NOT generalizing here, because some people are in fact genuinely sincere). Of course one is more likely to listen to someone they trust just like an old friend. Unfortunately, a lot of the stories that they tell are even completely fictitious! A lot of you here seem like very nice people and you deserve to make money with your investments. My goal here is just to share with you some of the lessons that I have learned from my own mistakes (as you have noticed I have not mentioned any names of posters - not here to bash anybody). Take this post as each of you will in your own way, bash me, call me a liar, whatever makes you feel better about yourself or your position, but these are the cold hard facts. Ultimately, the entire NVEI saga is not about business or product failure, but rather subtle yet deceptive shareholder manipulation that only benefit a few select individuals at the expense of many. I truly do hope none of you get hurt too badly here. Its also great to see that many investors are FINALLY seeing the truth about this stock, due to its lack of performance. Sorry if this message disappoints some of you but I really felt in my heart that I had to post it…best wishes to you all.

Truth Williams