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08/02/09 4:48 AM

#21274 RE: Gold Seeker #21272

<I don't know how they are going to fix screening but what they are doing today is not good.>

Are you serious? The article you quoted states: "breast cancer screening saves lives" Not good you said???!!!

What do you propose to do? Stop saving THOSE lives because of the inconvenience or cost to the others? Remember, there is no way to know who will be saved and who will not. Thus women should be asked:

"If we screen you and you have cancer we might be able to save your life. On the other hand, you might have a slow growing cancer that might not kill you, but if we are wrong we won't know until it is too late. Now, would you like to get screened or not?"

The National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society recommend the use of breast cancer screening. Maybe you should call them and tell them that they are wrong...
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08/02/09 10:49 AM

#21278 RE: Gold Seeker #21272

The more the cancer is allowed to develop without treatment, the greater the likelihood of the cancer spreading. A medical misdiagnosis or an incorrect diagnosis can delay critical treatments, worsen a disease or even cause death, especially in cases of cancer.

A medical misdiagnosis may be the result of medical malpractice when:

• Early detection tests are not ordered because of cost considerations
• A Doctor hastily offers a diagnosis without a proper medical evaluation
• A Doctor fails to order necessary tests to help diagnose or rule out cancer

That is not subjective Mr Goldseeker. THAT IS PART OF AN OATH. DO NO HARM.

You need to take a step back and hear what you have been saying. Early diagnosis is a second chance at life. It is encoded in our DNA to fight death and there is a innate sense to compell us to live. Do you not possess this will to live?

Statistics: Here's a list of the leading causes of death in the United States compiled by the CDC.

10. Septicemia (aka the presence of bacteria in the blood) - 34,136 deaths
9. Nephritis (aka inflammation of the kidney) - 43,901 deaths
8. Influenza/Pneumonia - 63,001 deaths
7. Alzheimer's disease - 71,599 deaths
6. Diabetes - 75,119 deaths
5. Accidents -117,809 deaths
4. Chronic lower respiratory diseases - 130,933 deaths
3. Stroke - 143,579 deaths
2. Cancer - 559,312 deaths
1. Heart disease - 652,091 deaths

How many lives EACH YEAR IN THE US ALONE will be saved by early diagnosis?

One more point that I have to question you on is do you honestly think that it is MORE cost effective to treat late stage cancer which in reality is not treatment but added days of additional suffering ultimately leading to death anyway? What is ROI (return on investment) on that outcome? Now was that money well spent when the outcome is death anyway or does it make sense to treat cancer early and actually TREAT cancer and the individual lives.

Put another way. If you had a chance to buy a lottery ticket and it cost 1 dollar and you had a chance at say 1 in 1 million odds of winning or would you pay 5 dollars for a lottery ticket that had 1 in 100 million chance of winning. You profess to say that it is makes no difference. Statistics don't lie. It is a numbers game. Your odds of TREATMENT are significantly better if you TREAT cancer early. Do you not understand that early treatment IS TREATMENT. Late stage treatment IMO is not a treatment only a slight detour to the same place. Death's door!!!!

Here is another question. Which is the better doctor(more competent doctor)? The doctor that says you look fine and you have no current complaints, and your vitals are WNL (w/in normal limits), so let's skip the recaf test. Or the doctor that says I believe strongly in early detection and preventative medicine so I RECOMMEND a recaf test? HMMMMMM?
Which one is doing NO HARM? Which one will be a hero, and which one will have to tell their loved ones that he erred on the side of judgement? Which one will have to defend his decision in a court of law?

Dr Goldseeker are you ready to defend your answer? It is more like HOW CAN YOU defend your answer?