I find it fascinating that people with no investing interest will spend their time lecturing all of us about facts that have been discussed over and over again.
Here's the deal man and you can spin however you want. China has a serious shortage of usable, drinkable water. We have paved the way with a humanitarian gesture that the Chinese did not turn their back on. I find it odd that you continually refer to "North America", and bash us Americans. NEWSFLASH, AQUI is a CANADIAN company! When the Chinese open a bottle of our premium water they won't be thinking, "I HATE THOSE DAMN AMERICANS", especially when the bottle has the Canadian emblem on it. I guess I could do some research and find out how bad the Chinese hate us, but it sure seems ironic that the L.A. basin has seen an increase in Chinese population unlike any other time in history. SO, the ambivalence you speak of may in fact be towards Americans, but I surely wouldn't include the Canadians, especially when we're talking about the source of humanity flowing their way.