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08/01/09 9:20 PM

#1427 RE: y3maxx #1423

Just for entertainment value: and I certainly do not have a crystal ball.

But the analogy I use to describe Jav recent stock action is much like a rocket down at Cape Canaveral.
It sits & sits for a long time. And even as an onlooker you know when the smoke begins to churn from those big engines that something is getting ready to happen.
The recent price & volume would be the smoke churning as this rockets engines are preparing for lift off.
"Volume precceds price" or as smoke preceeds launch...

In anycase it is my observation that JAV is now getting ready to launch.

I have used past experience ,etc etc. to come up with my best exstrapulations of JAV's soon to be stock price. And have come up with similar pps as I did in valueing the company a good while back.

Again for entertainment : I expect this JAV rocket to go as high as $3.40 to $5.00 . And I expect it to get there within the next 30 days.

Again, I still do not have a crystal ball but for a host of reasons I am guessing that the ERESKA results were good & that "something special" is or maybe happening with ERESKA.
And that "knowledge " has gotten out & when combined with the recent confirming Dyloject results have JAV prepared for lift off.

We shall see..