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07/29/09 1:37 PM

#105400 RE: Lochan #105399

That sounds Great Lochan,in the meantime I believe we are gonna see some stock accumulation


07/29/09 1:40 PM

#105401 RE: Lochan #105399

I agree that it does not make sense to take down website.
Capital is required to do any venture.
And the details should still be negotiable.
I wouldn't expect any news until something real has happened.
Hiding behind forward looking statements only go so far.
And we have seen loose translations of the word aquired before.


1: to get as one's own: a: to come into possession or control of often by unspecified means b: to come to have as a new or added characteristic, trait, or ability (as by sustained effort or natural selection) <acquire fluency in French> <bacteria that acquire tolerance to antibiotics>
2: to locate and hold (a desired object) in a detector <acquire a target by radar>

And obtained can be as loosely translated.

v obtain [əbˈtein]
to get; to become the possessor of, He obtained a large sum of money by buying and selling houses.

I'll hope for the best for the Long and Strong !


07/29/09 2:17 PM

#105406 RE: Lochan #105399

Unfortunately, Jean-Francois Amyot is not in the habit of increasing shareholder value. I doubt he will try to enrich the bagholders of an old P&D in order to set up a new P&D.
Since Amyot is Hilbroy, I would say the assets, if any, of AURC will simply disappear. Look at his record, a simple yahoo search on his name turns up:
Midland Baring
Select American Transfer
That's just the first few pages of results.
All scams or companies that were involved in promoting scams.
GLTY, you'll need it with his involvement