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07/25/09 8:57 PM

#18725 RE: BigBadWolf #18720

I JUST SPOKE TO ERIC!!!! Here is the skinny sure as I am writing it and here ya go!

1. ERIC SAID HE HAS NOT PLAYED GOLF IN 2 YEARS!!! He has no time as he is working, even today, 6 days a week to bring his company to a rising success.

2. He is a legitimate business man living in the Bay area, with a VALUABLE reputation to protect and would not risk jail time and has ALOT to lose if he were to participate in risky behaviour. This is his own first chance to bring a company public with his tried and true skills that he has acquired over the years.

3. His partner is a BROKER (real estate) in San Antonio and WITH that implied a fiduciary responsibility to be honest, above board and completely LEGAL or he stands to lose more than just a reputation. He could lose his brokerage license which is very VALUABLE.
4.As soon as the deal that is in the works and is ALMOST completed is done, all the cash flow that it brings with it will be on the pink filing paper to give instant value to the companie's bottom line.

5.My opinion: He is a level headed, very bright young man with a marketing brain such like I haven't spoken to since I worked on Wall Street as a Senior IT recruiter and had the privilege of serving so many project managers. I am incredibly impressed.

AND is very confident that early August will show some very positive news and by the end of August, shareholder confidence will be so strong that he couldn't even guesstimate what the true value of the stock will be. He feels compelled to do some kind of pr in the light of such bashers! BUT I told him to take his own pace and do things right and true. He said THAT SOME OF YOU!! have been down right uncivilized!!!! Calm down people, if you like the investment for the long haul, then wait it out and if you are impatiently abusing the management, PLEASE REALIZE THEY ARE BLUE BLOODED AMERICAN BOYS TRYING TO MAKE ALL OF US RICH AND KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!! At this time in our country we need accountable young genius men to carry us through, just because some of you are arm chair employees does not give you the right to try to intimidate these young men into dancing to your rythm. SO if we all calm down and let them do their thing and stop SCARING THEM WITH THREATS, we will see quick fruition to their projects planned. I told him it was spineless d--kless day traders that were intimidating him and to just ignore them, they never leave their homes! So fellow investors, IMHO, we are all okay and I off to the Cayman Islands on Thursday, but I will be watching! To all you spng folks, do as I did and pull your money out for the summer and Fall and put it in here, I think it will grow alot faster. I am going to pick up another 10 mil on Monday! ALSO, I am in LGAL it is another GREAT pick! laura