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01/23/01 11:41 AM

#4966 RE: Seahag #4963

Relax, Seahag.

They're too late to be considered stockholders of record.

JMHO Bulldop01Toror


01/23/01 11:57 AM

#4967 RE: Seahag #4963

Seahag, No need to worry if the Opposition...

shows up, as it'll give the Longs a chance to meet face to face with it... In any case, I doubt very many shorting bashers will actually come, as they don't really want to know that the products do exist and how good they are...

You can bet McBride will have a Security Firm present with Guards and there won't be any disruption of the Meeting... While the last "View from the Bridge" was pretty decent, the previous one (01.17.00) struck me as mostly meaningless ramblings...

I think we have a duty to "keep SEVU on its Toes", in the light of recent events and I intend to help do that in a public Forum at every opportunity...


We don't want vague Promises, BUT FACTS and only when they have happened and can be proven.... If SEVU should address anything at this point in time, it should concern when the "SecureView" ordered will be built in commercial quantities... Statements of facts, such as, for example:

+ All the parts to build 20,000 units are currently in stock at Company So & So...

+ 50,000 Plastic Housings and Lens Caps have now been molded by So & So, using our own production tooling and have been shipped to the final assembly facilities...

+ Mass Production of 25,000 units has began on Schedule on 20th January...

Fast Rule of Thumb: NEVER USE the FUTURE TENSE!... Instead, use the PAST TENSE to described the "Achievements" of SEVU...

If you want to explain something about multi-cameras systems, just say that it's technically feasible, a requirement of many potential Clients, such as Schools, Army Storage, etc... and that SEVU is working on it and should announce it as soon as it has become a REALITY....

NEVER tell us it'll be mass produced in 6 Months, because WE JUST DON'T BELIEVE a WORD of it and we want to know about the Status of completion of current "SecureView" Orders before anything else....

JMHO, F. Goelo + + +


01/23/01 1:36 PM

#4972 RE: Seahag #4963

I'm STINKING MAD about YITII's repost of my post on the other board. I do not choose to participate on that thread and am not even registered there!!!!!!!!!!! It's garbage!!!!!!!!!!
Is there any way to prevent this under copyright laws. If I were a journalist would what I posted here be protected in that manner??? I stated earlier that no one had my permission to repost what I write anywhere else. Would that disclaimer be binding against such action in the future?? I will not have my words used to further the agendas of those that I disagree with!!!!! SH