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07/18/09 10:36 AM

#58274 RE: deli #58272

excellent counter-argument deli, with some very valid points...

i understand that there is a time and place for trading based on technical analysis...but i am firmly entrenched in the camp that believes a solid fundamental story (perhaps the understatement of the year when speaking of SRSR) trumps TA every day of the week.

TA is an inexact science with suspect does, however, have the ability to tell us a little bit about market sentiment at a given time, and perhaps indicate a trend...BUT, it is still an INEXACT science...

now, the science of billions of dollars in mineable assets such as niobium, tantalum, REE's, and gold (Shining Tree property) is pretty darn exact! you have x number of tonnes of assets in the ground that can be extracted, processed, and sold to market at y price, and your revenue and subsequent profits will undoubtedly contribute to a higher PPS for shareholders.

any day of the week i will put my money on scott's (and his team's) ability to mine the assets that are currently in the ground in the most fiscally responsible manner to maximize shareholder value over what a set of candlesticks is able to tell me over a period of time! that's for darn sure.

happy investing
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07/18/09 10:38 AM

#58275 RE: deli #58272

Correct! "Dead Money" has it's tax benefits, that's why I'm holding 266.4k well into the future.
You can buy them back, Reverse, but it'll cost you a few bucks a piece :-)