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06/27/02 8:43 PM

#183 RE: v-man #181

OT: They're coming at me from every angle. Who (whom) can I trust? It's those corporate villians who learned their accounting in a swiss cheese factory.

One of my favorite lunches is a grilled cheese sandwich (OK, maybe ham and swiss). Now, I can't even be sure a cheese is a cheese. It's getting so I don't know Edam thing.

If age has dulled my wife's ultra-sensitive olfactory nerves, maybe I could go back to Limburger. That's a hard one to take ... ooops, I mean fake.

Still, why should I worry? I can relax, safe in the knowledge that our government of the people by the congress for big business has protecting my well-being somewhere on it's To Do list. Do you suppose they'll pass a "Truth In Cheese" law? Isn't something with the effectiveness of our "Truth In Advertising" and "Truth in Lending" laws indicated here?

OT: (In this case, it means, "On Topic")
Please stop saying things like, "I wish I had a nickel for every share of GMGC I've bought." You need to find a new method of expressing large numbers.

(My abject apologies for the delay in my response to your message. I wouldn't want you to imagine that I don't enjoy your humor. When that guy with the pitchfork gets here, I want him to find me laughing.)

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