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07/15/09 2:23 PM

#9734 RE: al44 #9732

Something is going to happen and I hope the people are ready. Just imagine if enough people had the balls to file a lawsuit against the government for giving their money to the banks while the banks keep hounding them for money after they have lost their jobs. It would certainly take a lawyer with some balls to take the event on. Unfortunately, there aren't many lawyers with any balls out there. They are all kissing ass to try and make it in politics.

The type of litigation previously mentioned would make the lawsuit Obama settled with "black farmers" suffer in comparison. Blacks and whites would engage in this particular contest. And who cares who wins (government or the people)? At least we throw away a few more billion dollars trying to get the point across to the idiots in Washington what is going on and possibly help to advance an attorney that could make a change for the betterment of this nation (after he wins the case). They idiots in office right now ought to all be taken away from their homes and placed in a trailer without heat and air conditioning for one year. Then maybe they'll come up with some god damned answers to the bullshit they are dealing with right now that walked out of the Bush/Cheney administration (Alan Greenspan, Condie Rice and all the other idiots that did NOT resign) and into the new administration. I admired those who resigned.

I do not see this banking fiasco ending anytime soon. There is absolutely going to be an astronomical rise in taxes we have never before seen. Consumption will be cut down to practically nothing on durable goods, and cyclical goods. We've already watched the housing and auto industries fall off the ledge. This market is presently so "artificially propped up" that it is beyond the average person's understanding. When people are confused they just go with the "status quo." Education would definitely be a good thing for most people to get involved with. I mean, educating themselves. Unfortunately, 95% of the people in the public have no interest in doing that. They would rather sit around and watch the sheer genius representations of society on a television. Does anybody ever wonder why America has an "obesity" problem. Probably because the idiots in DC took all of our jobs and gave them to other countries and sat our asses behind computers all damned day long when we should be taking care of our patients and attending to our properties.

**We were warned against this. Only now, that we are "here" so to speak. . .we have to deal with it. And it is NOT going to be getting better with government intervention using taxpayer's money. I just simply cannot believe that the entire nation is not up in arms over this. It should be ended right now because if it isn't, the problem will continue to magnify in its' potential for disaster.
