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07/12/09 1:07 PM

#79615 RE: bulldzr #79614

No matter how irrelevant people think she may be in 2012, she still scares me.. she represents the white population who want to blame all their failures on everybody but the mirror they refuse to stand in front of... I bought a book called, The Eliminationist.. it's about how hate radio/media radicalized the far right...I havent started it yet, but I think its going to be eye into the future as the economy decays further... Even L Summers thinks the worst is yet to come...

The multi-national corporations, are now our government through their lobbying efforts.. They have no allegiance to nations states... all they care about is who can they profit from... and those in the far right, with leaders like Palin, Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck, et al, make millions decieving their followers that somehow all the problems are from the liberals/progressives and anybody who doesnt follow their narrow version of 18th century reality....... the people the far right follow are nothing but shills for the corporations who bank roll their deceptions, half truths and lies... and this is the world we all have to find a home in... feel safe now?