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07/12/09 2:17 AM

#79610 RE: StephanieVanbryce #79606

Stephanie -- leaving aside all the political considerations, whether agreeing or not with him on anything or everything

also leaving aside initial personal perceptions and reactions, like him or not, for or against him in the election

and also leaving aside, again like him or not, the whole image thing he's got going, the speeches, the 'hope' and 'change' themes, his popularity around the world, the attractive first lady and happy family, all of that

I think that many across the spectrum still do not, at least not fully, appreciate who we've got here in Obama

this is a very serious guy

highly intelligent, yup, sure -- but more to the point exceptionally well-educated, including a discipline of self-study at a very high level all the way through since the day he graduated Harvard Law -- add in widely experienced -- he has a clue, about a whole lot of things, tactical and strategic

a very strong personality -- he knows who he is, he is who he wants to be, and he is at peace with himself

he knows what he is about -- he is right where he decided a long time ago he was gonna be

and his goal was never just to become President of the United States/be a successful politician -- it has always been, and remains, to change history

now that he has become President, we'll see just how he (continues to) go about that in practice given the particular (and particularly ramshackle) state of affairs he ended up having handed to him

on all the issues and themes there'll be plenty of keeping track and differences/disagreements to go around

but none should mistake it -- this is a very serious guy

(my point with e.g. [items linked in] , and [items linked in] and following)