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07/13/09 12:06 PM

#1265 RE: MLD38 #1264

Appears RPTN will finally do something here. :-)
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07/15/09 12:33 PM

#1266 RE: MLD38 #1264

By: sputnik107
I am surprised that MLD-38 didn't find and post this, being the big TS/ChangeWave fan!! According to this piece VOYT is locked out of China!

Possible Competition For Voyant????
Fellow Investor,

What I’m about to share with you is THE MOST EXCITING investment opportunity I have ever found.

And when it comes to making millions in emerging tsunamis, I will match my track record with anyone.

Before I founded ChangeWave Research, I personally rode the Internet wave — turning a $100,000 investment in and other pioneers into $2.8 million in 12 months. I KEPT it, too.

Later, we earned fortunes in…
…satellite radio, pounding the table as XMSR fell to $3 and popping the champagne corks when it shot straight up to $33.
…business intelligence software, riding MicroStrategy from $12 to $235.
…oil services, urging folks to load up when Omni Services slumped to $1.50 — and then celebrating when it jumped to over $12.

I call stocks like these “millionaire-makers” — and if you could only buy one such stock today, this would be IT.

I don’t give a damn what the market is doing. I don’t care if Citigroup implodes again. It doesn’t matter if Congress spends us into oblivion.
This is THE aggressive growth stock to make you millions; if — and only if — you lock up your position NOW!

Indisputable Fact #1
Investing in wireless technologies has created more multi-millionaires and billionaires than any other technology space.
Perhaps you’ve heard of Carlos Slim, the world’s second-richest man, who gained most of his wealth in the ground-floor of Mexico wireless with Telemex.
Or how about Craig McCaw, another wireless pioneer who sold out to AT&T for BILLIONS.
Over a TRILLION in new wealth has been created, building wireless carriers in 180 countries worldwide!

Indisputable Fact #2
China is the next frontier where fortunes are about to be made in wireless.
And I want to introduce you to the best name in the space.
It’s NOT any of the widely recognized China telecoms. In fact, it’s actually an American-based venture, working in partnership with the Chinese government to deliver what all the big names have failed to provide:
Dependable, fast, wireless broadband technology needed to complete China’s entry into the modern world. The guys behind this story will be the next wireless billionaires.

And China’s incredible demand for broadband connectivity is your ticket to creating millions in new wealth for you and your family.
Legacy wealth. Retire and travel the world wealth. Tell the boss to “kiss off” wealth.

This is THE stock. The time is now. And I have a free report, explaining all the details for you online. Make Your Millions in the New China Wireless Boom is ready for you now — simply go here to accept your trial subscription to ChangeWave MicroCap Investor.

Today’s opportunity in China
You may already know the Chinese are now the largest users of the Internet — over 400 million and counting. China is also the fastest-growing market for Internet bandwidth.

There’s just one problem. The existing technology STINKS!
• The current so-called “broadband” systems are slow as molasses.
• The landline systems are prehistoric — they can’t satisfy growing demand.

• And today’s cell systems use phones that are big and clunky, expensive and ill-suited for surfing the Internet.

That’s why the country desperately needs a complete “Internet makeover.” And our tiny little company is in the right place at the right time to deliver what the Chinese people want — inexpensive, reliable and fast broadband everywhere for everyone.

This could be one of the biggest winners ever to come out of microcap land. Get full details here.

And I’m not the only one who thinks so
Your investment has the “full backing” of the Chinese government — the partnership is actually 51% state owned.
The Communist party has a lot riding on this — not just money, but also in terms of prestige. If Bank of America and Citigroup were deemed “too big to fail” here at home, this partnership may be linked too closely to government interests not to succeed.

You see, high-speed wireless rollout has been pretty much a failure so far.
Chinese leaders made bets on existing companies and lost face, as efforts sputtered due to cronyism, bad technologies and poor management.
In desperation, these leaders turned abroad for help — to America, to be more precise. Fed up with delays and excuses, they chose an American firm with proven experience to deploy high-speed wireless on-time and on-budget.

This is a BIG company you’ve most likely never heard of, because they do all their work behind the scenes.

But now they’ve partnered with the Chinese government to form a small microcap company that I believe is destined to become a mega-giant on the China telecom scene — making us very rich in the process.
I’d be disappointed in anything less than a ten-bagger. I’m expecting a twenty-bagger, thirty-bagger or more.

Buy it under $1 now and bank your millions later. Get full details online immediately when you join me at MicroCap Investor now.

Here’s how confident I am in your success
You don’t risk a penny of your one-year trial subscription.
If you don’t double your money — at least — in those twelve months, just ask for the cost of your subscription back, and I’ll be glad to oblige.
This tiny partnership has a monopoly in the space
They are developing and deploying China’s first TRULY high-speed wireless network.

It’s a true wireless 4G system already delivering service at 5-10 megabit speeds in 5 major cities. But with financing in place, this company is on track to a 19-city rollout over the next 24 months — while boosting service to 100-megabit speeds!

And get this — it owns a MONOPOLY for the 3.5MHz spectrum in these cities, with its license running through 2013.

The Chinese company is shuttering potential competitors, because they screwed up. This is China, after all, and they’re not big on tolerance. Our guys have shown they can do the job. And the government doesn’t care about competition — they just want to get the job done.

Me? I’m just eager to count our profits.

Get on the rocket before it blasts off

This tiny partnership is already the fastest-growing broadband provider in China — quickly adding 600,000 new subscribers since rolling out service in Beijing. I project 1.5 million subscribers by the end of the year — and that’s just the launch pad for the rocket flight to follow.
The rollout schedule is spectacular!

The 19-city rollout may seem ambitious. But this company’s technology is not only lightning fast, it’s also incredibly easy to get up and running. That’s why my projections call for 5 million subscribers and over $750 million in revenue — at around 30% margins — by the end of 2011.

Plans are in the works for an ongoing subscriber-count audit by a major international accounting firm. So while your window of opportunity is wide open now, it could — and most likely will — slam shut in a hurry, once this incredible growth story leaks out to the rest of the world.

You pay under a buck a share now. And I‘m looking to cash in sometime in the next couple years for $10 a share, $20 a share, $30 a share or more.
If you want to cash in, too, please join me at ChangeWave MicroCap Investor now.

This is the single best opportunity I’ve ever seen in microcap land. I believe I’ll be bragging about this call for years to come.
And when I brag, I want you to brag back. I want you to be all-smiles at your next reunion or family gathering. I want you to make back much of what you lost to the bear market.

So join me at Microcap Investor.

Pay the discounted introductory rate for a one-year subscription, and you don’t risk a penny of that. I guarantee you’ll at least double your money in the next 12 months, or I’ll refund your full subscription cost at your request.

You can also choose the pay-as-you-go quarterly term. But why not lock up that guarantee on a one-year subscription?
Go here to accept.

5 reasons to own my China telecom now
• Huge and growing demand for a true, nationwide high-speed broadband system.
• This partnership has a monopoly on the leading technology.
• They have the funding in place to support rollout.
• The Chinese government backs these guys — they have a 51% ownership stake.
• Even moderate success can deliver a ten-bagger. And I fully believe a thirty-bagger is within the realm of possibilities.

Join me at MicroCap Investor now.


Tobin Smith
ChangeWave MicroCap Investor

P.S. Make Your Millions in the New China Wireless Boom is ready for you online now.

Read it, and I think you’ll agree: This tiny China telecom stock offers the most explosive profit potential — the best I’ve seen in all my years in the business. So even just a small investment now can mushroom into a not-so-small fortune over the next couple of years.
Seriously, I’ll be bummed out with anything less than a ten-bagger — and I’m expecting much bigger profits than that. So join me at ChangeWave MicroCap Investor now.