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07/10/09 2:28 AM

#178647 RE: Zacked #178645

Humungous is a better choice of words. In fact it was added to the Webster dictionary a few years ago. We can wear that word out for a few weeks. After that I propose we launch into the use of ginormous. Maybe we can get GoMoNews to adopt our lexicon.

Here's the proposed policy at GoMoNews.

Proposed breakdown of usage.
1. Huge will be used for plain old news stories or interviews with nothing earth shattering. Currently employed two to three times each day. Well documented over usage.
2. Humungous is a PR with real teeth and can be a potential game changer for a company's future. Not used very often.

3. Ginormous is the term in a glass vial on a wall with a sign "Caution: Break for earth shattering news." Once broken open and carefully placed it will describe events which take the company from a penny stock to a household name. Have to have at least one or two fortune 500 companies involved.

Example story I have in my head ride now.

WARNING ----- WARNING ----- The following is not a real PR.-WARNING ----------WARNING
NeoMedia Inks a Ginormous Deal with Microsoft and 10 other companies to create a consortium to develop and market NeoMedia's ecosystem for mobile marketing and sales. Other companies involved are Nokia, Neustar, and advertising giants ..... The combined team will market and develop a complete ecosystem to take mobile marketing and sales mainstream.

The initial investment from Microsft will be $120 million dollars to NeoMedia with lesser amounts from Nokia and Neustar. The proceeds from this investment will be used to pay down $60,000,000 in debt. The other $60,000,000 will be used to expand NeoMedia's sales force, technical support staff and reinvigorate NeoMedia's product development team. The values of Nokia and NeuStars commitments are unknown at this time but they are said each to be close to half of Microsoft's commitment.

In return, Microsoft, Nokia and Neustar will receive warrants and options currently held by Yorkville Advisers. The exercise prices for these options and warrants have been repriced repriced to $0.40 per share for 500,000,000 shares. The repriced warrants too can be forced to be exercised by NeoMedia when the shareprice reaches $1.00 per share and held for 10 trading days. Additionally, Microsoft will place 3 members on NeoMedia's board of directors. Those being replaced are current members JJ Kiel and George O'Leary. A third will be added. Neustar, Nokia and advertisers XXX and YYY will be adding one member each to the newly expanded board.

How's that great fiction writing. Well at least for now. :).

It's my dream for NeoMedia.