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07/09/09 2:23 PM

#54956 RE: XBladeRob #54955

I bought another 100k at @ .074 today!

I look for this investment to return itself 7-8 times itself in the next four weeks.
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07/09/09 2:39 PM

#54960 RE: XBladeRob #54955

I'll tell you this and it's the truth..If I had 500k or more I would be buying all I could get my hands on..and I will be buying this stock at whatever price it is for the next year at least. In my mind, this is a retirement stock, a LONG term investment. I'm confident it will be in the multi dollars in 3-5 yrs as long as mgmt. stays the course. If not....plans change and I'll adjust accordingly. That's MY plan, MY opinion and MY honest belief. I have sold every dog I had took the loss and put it here and am now making $$ If I could mortgage my home (unfortunately it's worth 40% less than what I owe) I would.....
I am not recommending that anyone bet the farm on this..however I truly believe this one IS a lifechanger. I have done countless hours of DD, made the calls, spoke to seasoned veterans here and elsewhere and they too are of the same belief.They own tens of millions of shares, have been investing in mining stocks forever and have said these come along once in a lifetime....
I compare this endevour to that of my lovely soulmate. They too come along once in a lifetime ..I've been married 2x and didnt believe that person existed...she did..3rd times a charm

Do you DD, invest whatever your willing to lose..and sometimes ya just have to go for it.....and have a little blind faith..NOTHINGS GUARANTEED...
all imho