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07/16/09 12:46 PM

#630 RE: jscot #624

Hello all

Like everyone here I have been following Odyssey Marine for some time and became a fan. I guess it's for two reasons one, they are out there on the ocean following a dream and discovering lost history and of course lost treasure. Secondly they based out of Tampa so it is like rooting for your home team.

If you have watched the show or read past articles you know that OM deals with many legal issues, harassment and the ever looming discovery of their finds by un-licensed salvager's whom you may call the real pirates, if that term applies.

Maybe it's time for them to utilize a different method of discovering and salvaging their finds. I wonder if anyone has thought of using surplus submarines to do the same job that they are doing now? I'm sure many of the issues can be avoided buy OM simply not sowing up on most peoples or governments radars. Of course you have to let people know your friendly because parking a Delta, Yankee or Uniform sub off the coast may cause some interesting activity. Ok, they are Russian Subs but the price is right.

Sure converting a Sub to conduct the same operations as the Odyssey Explorer would be costly but I can see how effective it would be. No surface traffic to deal with, not affected by weather conditions, secure operating environment no risk of piracy or boarding the sub, harder to find by anyone looking to jump the claim. I can also see that using the ROVs may have some advantages since you would be located closer to the wreak site. I believe salvage operations could or would be much faster. I guess you can think of some rather interesting possibilities for using a sub as a platform for salvage operations.

Anyway that my random thought for the day. If anyone from OM reads this good luck and good hunting, keep dodging those legal mines!

Sloane H.

Riverview FL