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07/02/09 1:05 PM

#118940 RE: mretgnol #118939

Reality is quite different:

"At any rate, the SEC is responsible for overseeing the DTCC and ensuring that it is doing all it can to enforce delivery of shares and other securities. But the SEC conducts examinations of the DTCC only once every two years, and former SEC officials have admitted to Deep Capture that these visits entail nothing more than “investigators” asking a few courteous questions. Indeed, a number of former SEC officials have told us that the nation’s securities regulator doesn’t even understand what the DTCC does. "


07/02/09 1:21 PM

#118941 RE: mretgnol #118939

So why do you want us to sue the DTCC? Because it will fail?

And if you're so passionate and knowledgable about this, why don't you initiate a lawsuit and we'll piggyback onto yours.

Unless of course, you're not a shareholder.


07/02/09 1:41 PM

#118942 RE: mretgnol #118939

mretgnol: Ok, stop telling us what to do and go take action according to your own advice.

Let us know how it all works out, I'm sure it will be discussion worthy.


07/02/09 1:59 PM

#118944 RE: mretgnol #118939

So if I have been understnding your messages correctly, you hold the viewpoint that the DTCC has nothing to do with the actual certificates, and that the DTCC is not concerned about the certs that are in the system.

Is that a correct understanding?