If you double your investment now. You would be looking at an average cost of close to .01. That would be in pretty good shape in my book. I am at .01178 average pps on millions of shares but not for long....getting ready to fire a couple more shots at it for a couple of million more shares or better.
I may be crazy but the data keeps telling me to dig what looks like a deeper hole in total dollars during this storm but works out to be a lower percentage loss on paper.
My losses look big here so I am taking this opportunity to add to it!!! LOL
By the way the float increased by 139,250,000 shares on June 25th which was the exact amount the OS went up on that day.
So we are temporarily flooded with shares being sold this week on the open market which is pushing the stock down below the moving average by a significant percentage.
I have been told by CM that the AS is not going up so only 158M more shares that could possibly be coming on line according to the company. So if they hold back these as restricted and do not sell anymore shares directly to the open market this is the bottom.