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08/26/04 12:53 AM

#228 RE: Pullmyfinger #226

Pullmyfinger........Your much too kind
towards ed. It's my opinion that ed
is nothing more than unprocessed human
excrement. A slime bag like a predatory
rat ready to prey on non suspecting
traders. He epitomizes the very worst
in all mankind, greed, avorice need for
money and has sold his soul for a few
pence. Its easy to call him a scum bag
a rotten piece of sh.t, a thief, a
judas, etc. and he deserves no more
respect than a pile of feces. I've
been nice enough to ed for now, wait
until I really dog him. I would love to see
ed lose the business that we bought and
be barred from ever going into the pinks
and would really love to see him get jail time.


08/26/04 1:17 AM

#229 RE: Pullmyfinger #226

Read the clause 6. It has theif written all over it..... lol

takes all our shares and reissues them a month later. Snatch and Sell.
