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06/18/09 10:49 AM

#37391 RE: hellfighters03 #37388

Hellfighters, I wish I had my shares, so I could at least had my sell order in around .05. Would have been nice to take advantage of the suckers who bought at market. Now the PPS is almost back down to pre-split levels. How am I misleading people? I posted the Scottrade email which explained the RS and when to expect the new shares. I still don't have the new shares in my account. I'm sure others don't as well.
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Santa Barbara Broker

06/18/09 11:47 AM

#37396 RE: hellfighters03 #37388

What is it that would convince an OVOE investor at this point in time that the company is a scam? There were general posts stating that if "...Telmex failed, (that poster) would sell my shares". Then when Telmex failed, a post I remember from some individual stating that if the INTC/MID deal failed shares would be sold. Then posts stating that there would NEVER be another A/S increase or R/S and if there were, then shares would be sold, FOR GOOD. Then the rumblings moved to MTNL's failure and the share sales that would surely follow then (and MTNL WILL fail to produce substantial revenues and there WILL be "another new deal" in the next six months or so). And despite everything that has happened, much like the previous decade of the "deals" that never came and were endlessly replaced by the next phony "deal" that never materialized, the excuses for OVOE from those desperately holding shares continue. Always one more chance, always "well, just one more" after the absolute "final straw".

What is it about OVOE that is so hard to understand? What keeps people believing in this scam? You have a ten year, fully referenced, solid and 100% legitimate, government archived and documented history of events from a company and management team that in every detail and definition possible follow the exacting pattern of a convertible debenture scam and toxic death spiral scheme to a tee. In every detail. You have a guy associated from the very beginning of OVOE who has set up at least five other companies that are run and managed under the same circumstances with the same horrid, shareholder averse results. And yet after ten years of endless excuses for lies that were obviously intended to do nothing but prompt naive investors to buy the converted dumped shares of OVOE's toxic funders, people STILL believe it's a VR company? Trampled "patents", dozens of proven misleading PRs, Safe Harbor drenched misleading statements in the "current business update" sections of the SEC docs, a CEO who couldn't get a "roll out" time table right if his life depended on it (which is excusable since he, IMHO, has been lying about them all since day one) and STILL some support this company? Once again, my question is, when it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck and does so in plain sight, in and around the same pond for TEN YEARS, when and under what circumstances does it finally take on the general nomanclature OF a duck for those who still believe? OVOE isn't a deity. They aren't a religion. Blind faith doesn't enter into this. It is an investment not a trip to Vegas. WHAT exactly is it that could possibly be seen any longer as an investment here? Anyone? Just a simple, civil, logical answer. IMHO.