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06/17/09 7:28 PM

#72679 RE: brigunn #72678

There will be no reverse split. They do not have the money to pay the transfer agent. It is totally worthless paper, just like it has always been.


06/17/09 8:14 PM

#72680 RE: brigunn #72678

No problem. I was trying to be witty/sarcastic, but as often happens, I wasn't successful!

I had many chances to sell, but didn't. Most of us did. Hindsight is 20-20. I hope something positive happens, but I sure as heck won't bet on it! Investing in PBLS has taken care of any urges to gamble on my part!

Best of luck to you and everyone else who took a bath (a disgusting bath)on this gamble.


06/18/09 9:39 PM

#72693 RE: brigunn #72678

brigunn, sorry to say, the master plan was fully implemented:
buy every company they could for shares, suck out every drop of blood they could extract, while not paying creditors, flood the market with shares, release bs pr's, draw huge salaries, and have company assets converted to their private use.

now, maybe you'll divulge whether or not ps was feeding you bs, or was it rb???