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06/28/09 4:17 AM

#79214 RE: chunga1 #79053

[Limbaugh on Sanford] Obama's Government Will Decide If You Deserve Medical Treatment?

June 25, 2009



... Obama wants you... The best way to put it, and it's working, is he's trying to kill spirit. All this hope and change? He's trying to kill it. You know how many frustrated Americans there are out there at what's happening?

This Sanford business. I've got to tell you one of the first thoughts that crossed my mind with Mark Sanford. This is the first thought: "What he did defies logic." This is more than being 180 degrees out of phase because of lust or love. To split the scene for five days, and we know he's been separated -- and he knows, by the way, that the newspaper in his state has the e-mails between him and his concubine there in Argentina. He knows this. He knows that somebody knows what's going on. He knows his wife knows. So he ups and leaves for five days. He doesn't leave anybody in charge of the state in case there's an emergency. This is almost like: "I don't give a damn. The country is going to hell in a handbasket and I just want out of here." He had just tried to fight the stimulus money coming to South Carolina. He didn't want any part of it. He lost the battle.

He said, "What the hell? The federal government's taking over. What the hell? I want to enjoy life." One of the first things I thought, now today he's saying he doesn't want to give up office, he wants to stay in office. (sigh) But even Charles Krauthammer said last night: this is like self-inflicted political suicide. And it certainly appeared to be. The point is there are a lot of people whose spirit is just broken. They're fed up with it and saying, "To hell with it. I don't want to fight it anymore. I just want to get away from it," ...


The Rush Limbaugh Show® Premiere Radio Networks © 2009


Did Mark Sanford Simply Give Up?

June 25, 2009


RUSH: I'm checking e-mail. "Rush, are you kidding, this theory of yours about Sanford?" No, I'm not. My first thought was he said: "To hell with this. The Democrats are destroying the country. We can't do anything to stop it. I gave everything I had to stop it here in South Carolina. My wife's left me, the hell with it. I'm going to enjoy life what little time I've got left." Folks, there are a lot of people that are looking at life, they're saying screw it. They're saying screw it. Before Obama takes away all their money, before Obama takes away their house or the economy takes away their house, there are people who are simply saying the hell with this. They've tuned out. The hell with it. I'm just going to try to enjoy it as much as I can. Clinton was in Argentina the other night from what I'm told. I frankly think that this is what's wrong with the economy today.

I frankly think a whole lot of people have just lost their spirit. Normal Americans, cap and trade. Stimulus bill. Taking over the automobile companies. They see it. They don't have a voice. They're saying screw it. I can't stop it. The political party that I'm a member of has no spirit either. Do you see any spirit out of the Republican Party? Obama's killing it everywhere it used to be. And that's why the economy is languishing, because in normal times people that make this country work overcome all these obstacles. But now people don't see any way to stop this. Warren Buffet said yesterday: We're in a shambles. The economy's in a shambles. There's no improvement for the end of the year. So Sanford is saying: You know, what the hell, I love this woman. Screw it. I mean, it doesn't make sense and forget the dignity, morality. I'm just telling you a lot of people may have the same attitude.


The Rush Limbaugh Show® Premiere Radio Networks © 2009


audio of the first and most of the second above:

Limbaugh suggests Obama may be catalyst for Sanford's affair
June 25, 2009 [with comments]


Why Society Needs Hypocrisy

June 25, 2009


RUSH: One more thing about Mark Sanford, before we go to the break and get back to your phone calls. I would posit something here. And there's a lot of people. I've gotten a lot of e-mail since the Sanford story broke: "See, Rush? This is why Republicans have to get rid of social issues. We just have to get rid of them, because this hypocrisy is going to kill us. People are people; human beings are human beings. They're going to have affairs. They're going to have abortions. They're going to do this. And in politics, we're going to lose people. People are going to have affairs. Democrats don't lose people when they're hypocrites because they aren't hypocrites, Rush, because they don't have standards and we do. So we've got to get rid of the social issues, Rush." I'm hearing this from a lot of people. It's something for you to think about. Just a little think piece here. How about the fact that society needs hypocrisy? (interruption)

I'll be happy to explain it, Snerdley. It's simple as pie. I shouldn't have to explain it, but I'll be glad to. I'm not saying hypocrisy is a virtue, but it is a necessary evil. Society needs it. "But, Rush! But, Rush! How can you say that? Isn't hypocrisy preaching moral values and not living up to them?" Yeah, that's exactly right! That's what, in this case, hypocrisy is. But hypocrisy does not deny moral values. If somebody can be immoral and not be a hypocrite, then what's happened to standards? You want a party run by a bunch of people who have no standards? You've got it. You've got it in the Democrat Party and you've had it for years -- and look where it has taken us!

Hypocrisy does two things, both at the same time: Hypocrisy shows -- and you're not going to want to hear this. You're not going to want to agree with me on this. I know you're not. But hypocrisy shows that there are moral values in a culture. Without moral values in a culture, it would not be possible for anybody to be a hypocrite. The fact that we are calling Sanford a hypocrite is the proof that there are still standards of dignity and morality that apply in our society. It also shows... This hypocrisy, it also shows that violating those moral values are wrong. We all think Sanford's an idiot, right? We all think he's stupid. We all think he's wrong. Especially when you read the statement his wife issued. His wife said, "I'm willing to take him back. I'm willing." She said, "I view my life. I've got one legacy in my life, and that's the character and dignity I instill in my children," and that's why what my husband has done is so hurtful and so harmful.

"All the work I've done helping to get him elected and helping him do his job means nothing to me if my kids don't turn out." Why does she care? Well, because morality and dignity matter. And without hypocrisy, we wouldn't know what morality and dignity are. But moral equivalency, on the other hand, that rationalizes away any morality. The Democrat Party exists on moral equivalence. The Democrat Party exists on the concept of defining deviancy down to where nothing is wrong and nobody can be criticized. And I think any healthy society needs moral values -- and, therefore, must preserve them. Hypocrisy is a lot more helpful in preserving morality than moral equivalence is.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to live in a culture with no morality, where anything goes and there is nothing wrong. Then you wouldn't have to worry about raising your kids. Just give birth and let them do what they want to do. It doesn't matter because there's nothing wrong. But you know there are. You know there are certain things -- and, by the way, since we're all human and we all stray and we all stray off the path, it doesn't mean morality is wrong and it doesn't disqualify somebody who strays from knowing what morality is. That's what the Democrats try to do. Any Republican who has a normal human failing, they try to disqualify from ever commenting on morality and dignity, and you do not have to live a perfect life in order to be able to comment on morality and dignity because it is impossible to live a perfect life.

We all have that little voice in our heads, our conscience. We all know when we're doing something wrong. We all know it. If we just listen to the voice in our heads more often than we do, then we'd do fewer things wrong. But we're human. It doesn't mean that we're disqualified from knowing right from wrong, just because we violate the tenets. So... Look, I'm not speaking in a strict political sense here. I'm not saying, "Let's scrub the social issues." I'm simply saying that, 'Give me a society any day where there is hypocrisy as opposed to a society with moral equivalence,' because then we've defined deviancy so far down that we've decided we can't do anything about that particular wrong so we're not even going to try to anymore. We will cease to exist as a functioning society.


The Rush Limbaugh Show® Premiere Radio Networks © 2009


audio of the first portion of the 'Society Needs Hypocrisy' excerpt above:

Limbaugh on Sanford: "Hypocrisy shows that there are moral values in a culture"
June 25, 2009 [with comments]


and not to berate anything unnecessarily, but here is one retort I thought was pretty apt (the first audio above embedded):

Limbaugh Blames Sanford's Affair On Obama, Because Why Not?
06-25-09 [with comments]


and see:

Back at Work, Governor Puts Apology on Agenda

June 26, 2009
Suggesting that he plans to remain in office despite calls from within his own Republican Party for his resignation, he said his “soul searching” had brought him to the biblical story of King David and “the way in which he fell mightily — he fell in very, very significant ways — but then picked up the pieces and built from there.”
Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Mr. Sanford said that his inclination was to “carry on” as governor, but that he had not made a definitive decision.
“It’s going to be something I am going to think about, pray about,” he said, adding that staying in office would set an example for his four sons about getting back up after a fall.