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The Holder

06/16/09 6:21 PM

#50508 RE: goforthebet #50503

Nope, that's not it.

The first link references work done by Parson's. When I look at the second link, all I see are drill logs. Drill logs are done with the geologist standing beside the auger as the drillers drill and pull out core samples. He's just sitting there logging what he sees come out of the core (or does it later when cores are split). Fabulous work, by the way. The detail in those logs is second to none. Parson's was one hell of a Geologist. Either that or today's Geologists have completely fallen off and are slack.

What I'm looking for are the analytical data associated with those cores. So when that core was split, it was described in the core logs (second link) by Parson's...but what happened to those cores after that is what I'm looking for. Where are the actual results from when those core samples were sent to a lab, crushed into powder, and analyzed for mineralogical composition?