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06/11/09 3:49 PM

#118487 RE: clarity789 #118486

ohhh when it comes down to matters of importance im sure MANYYYY more of us will come out of the woodwork or emerge from me any number needed WILL be achieved bank on it ...jmho wb
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06/11/09 5:37 PM

#118488 RE: clarity789 #118486

More like "10 or 20" a day. Heck I heard someone...

named woog(something) has written a half-a-dozen alone; great effort there, not counting to Sen Kaufman, Merkley, Stowe and other interested parties.

Here's two of my favorites (especially the first), feel free to compose your personal feelings as well, don't be scared:

Honorable Chuck Grassley
United States Senate
Washington D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Grassley;

In 2005, a fraudulent scheme involving BCIT shares was perpetrated by an individual named Mario A. Pino and his accomplices. Two of Mario A. Pino’s accomplices were Pamela J. Thompson and the Depository Trust Corp (DTC).

According to the SEC filing, in addition to faxing false documents to the Nevada Secretary of State to hijack control of the company, Pamela J. Thompson sent a letter to the Depository Trust Corp on May 24, 2005 informing them she was BCIT’s new transfer agent.
Ms.Thompson never registered as a transfer agent with the Commission.

Due to negligence and lack of due diligence, the DTC allowed all of the Pino/Thompson fraudulent shares to enter the market and be sold to retail investors and speculators during the months of June, July and August of 2005.

By early July 2005, our CEO, Mr. Thomas Megas had contacted the SEC and the DTC about the unauthorized trading and the uncharacteristic volume in his stock that only had 700,000 free trading shares, and yet the regulatory agencies allowed Brokerages to sell and Clearing agencies to send confirmations to retail buyers that settlement had occurred.

On August 16, 2005, two months after FINRA’s Fraud Surveillance unit identified indicia of Mr. Pino’s scheme and referred the matter to the SEC’s Division of Enforcement, the DTC sent a notice to it’s members informing them of the fraudulent shares, and even after the notice was sent, the brokerages continued to sell shares to retail investors until the SEC suspension 16 days later.

Although the SEC has yet to release an audit of how many shares are held long at brokerages, it is estimated that one to two billion shares were shorted to retail investors.

Since the August 31, 2005 suspension, BCIT trading has been locked down by the DTC despite the efforts of our CEO, Mr. Thomas Megas. I will let Mr. Megas explain what he has done to attempt to legally satisfy the DTC over the last four years.

My understanding is the DTC, or those representing the DTC, are arrogant enough to think that extortion is one of the tools they are allowed to use.
I am suggesting that not only did the DTC aide and abet fraud, they are trying to cover it up using extortion, while the SEC abrogates their responsibility to regulate fraudulent activity by SRO’s such as the DTC.

I would like those responsible at the DTC and SEC to sit in front of you, and explain why whoever sold nonexistent and fraudulent shares are not being required to replace them with genuine shares of BCIT.

We have been locked down for almost four years without answers from the regulatory agencies as to why our money was taken from our accounts, and yet we do not have access to the genuine shares.

I have recently written a letter to Robert Khuzami, at the SEC, and asked that in light of recent statements by our CEO, Thomas Megas, (which indicate fraud and regulatory misconduct by the SEC, the DTC and possibly brokerage and clearing firms), that he review the SEC’s investigation into BCIT.
I am including Mr. Thomas Megas’s recent statements as well as my letter to Mr. Khuzami.

Please take a look at the BCIT situation. Even though as an SRO the DTC is regulated by the SEC with Congressional oversight, the persons at the DTC seem to think they are above the law.


Dear Senator Grassley;

I would first like to thank you for your continuing effort to get to the truth about NSS (naked short selling) and the impact it has had on the markets. Not too long ago NSS was considered just a myth; now I think many know it exists.
I am writing in regards to a stock that I, and approximately 1500 others, bought almost four years ago, Bancorp International (BCIT). Since its “temporary suspension” in August of 2005, we have been waiting for a resolution to the issues and a resumption of trading. The CEO, Thomas Megas, has done everything he could to resolve any issues at great expense and time to him; but to no avail. Now we were notified last week that BCIT is scheduled for delisting on July 31, 2009 for “inactivity”; inactivity in trading but certainly not inactivity by the company and shareholders. I will try to now to sum up certain main points that have occurred, but those should not be considered a complete list of events. If you feel it appropriate I, and others including Mr. Megas, will be glad to supply any information needed.
On August 1, 2005 Thomas Megas put out a public statement as to the attempted hijacking of his company. On August 11, 2005 another public warning was issued by Mr. Megas/BCIT:
BCIT - Bancorp International Group, Inc. Announces Share Certificate Forgeries
Thursday August 11, 4:45 pm ET
NEW YORK, Aug. 11, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- With regard to the on-going investigation, Thomas Megas, the President of Bancorp International Group, Inc., announced the following statement:
``Let it be known that share certificates bearing the legend 'Bancorp International Group Inc' and purportedly signed by Mr. Thomas Megas as President and M. Puig as Secretary are forgeries and therefore do not constitute any part thereof the issued equity of BCIT. BCIT have never issued such certificates bearing this legend.''
Thomas Megas. President, BCIT
Not until August 16th. 2005 did the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC) issue a warning to its members: The Depository Trust Company
B#: 8418
DATE: August 16, 2005
TO: All Participants, Depository Facilities, and Pledgee Banks
CATEGORY: Operations
FROM: Michael Tulaney, Vice President
ATTENTION: Managing Partners, Officers, and Cashiers
SUBJECT: Special Alert Regarding Bancorp International Group, Inc.
Be advised that effective August 11, 2005, DTC has suspended all services, except Custody services, for the below referenced issue.
05968X106 Bancorp International Group Inc.
Please see the attached press releases from the company providing notice, among other things, that “individuals and corporate entities involved with the illegal takeover of the company printed invalid share certificates”.
DTC participants are, therefore, strongly urged to take whatever precautions are necessary in order to protect themselves and their customers in light of this continuing problem and to notify correspondent firms and other parties that may be affected by this problem.
Questions regarding this notice should be directed to the company, or DTC’s Nick Cerchio at (212) 855-5006.
During this time trading continued and the DTC continued (one assumes) to take any and all share certificates presented, as well as other stock deposits/transactions (no assuming there). The trading continued until the SEC finally acted with a “temporary” suspension of trading:
Washington, D.C.
RELEASE NO. 52363 / August 31, 2005
The Securities and Exchange Commission announced the temporary suspension, pursuant
to Section 12(k) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”), of trading
of the securities of Bancorp International Group, Inc. (“BCIT”), a Nevada corporation, at
9:30 a.m. on August 31, 2005, and terminating at 11:59 p.m. on September 14, 2005.
The Commission temporarily suspended trading in the securities of BCIT because it
appears that all of the securities currently trading in the name of Bancorp International
Group, Inc. (“BCIT”) and purportedly signed by Thomas Megas as President and M. Puig
as Secretary are counterfeit. BCIT is quoted on the Pink Sheets LLC.
Almost a full month of trading occurred between Mr. Megas’ notification and the SEC’s action, amazing. Here is a review of the trading during that period:
08/01/2005 - 56,808,611
08/02/2005 - 211,475,855 - Tuesday - biggest trade day
08/03/2005 - 49,606,959
08/04/2005 - 52,405,854
08/05/2005 - 72,588,213
08/8/2005 - 108,201,266
08/09/2005 - 51,922,093
08/10/2005 - 23,375,229
08/11/2005 - 14,823,645
08/12/2005 - 18,590,661
08/15/2005 - 11,710,228
08/16/2005 - 15,663,129
08/17/2005 - 15,175,784
08/18/2005 - 60,664,311
08/19/2005 - 20,777,557
8/22/2005 - 21,059,296
8/23/2005 - 26,417,782
8/24/2005 - 18,334,186
8/25/2005 - 14,632,450
8/26/2005 - 36,295,912
8/29/2005 - 14,304,897
8/30/2005 - 12,706,328 - SEC announces trading suspension
Approximately …916,000,000 shares traded, give or take 10 or 15 million; and that was only during that point in time. As Mr. Megas points out in the attached letter he recently wrote, the company estimates that around 2 billion shares all told entered the market.
That’s quite an increase, from the approximately 1.1 million free trading/available shares at the time; an increase of around…181,000% +/-! So where was the DTC at this time? Where was the SEC? no clear cut answer there.
Mr. Megas then started the legal process of vindicating himself and his company and won an initial judgment in January 2006 against the fraudsters; but that turned out to be only the beginning.
Since then he has been waging a non-stop battle with the DTC to right, what seems to be their wrong. He has complied with every request from them; he has made every effort that he could anticipate to get his company back from the “global lock” the DTC imposed, and only the DTC. You see Senator, every other regulatory agency, SEC, Finra, Nasdaq has no problem with letting BCIT trade; just the DTC.
There is much, much more information I think you will find of interest; all documented. But I will leave that up to Mr. Megas to detail and explain; he has said he has a “forensic trail” on all of this. Mr. Megas is most willing to fly into D.C and discuss the situation with you and others if need be. You can reach him through one of us shareholders; we’ll pass it along, or email him at:
Thomas Megas
A copy of Mr. Megas’ recent open letter is attached. I have a..ah… tidied up version (grammar/spelling etc.) if you want it. I think you will read his upset nature brought on in part when BCIT was listed on that delisting list of 51,000 securities. I would like to ask you Senator; how many of those other 51,000+/- stocks scheduled for delisting have a “global lock” on them you suppose? I bet you can count them on one hand; makes a lot of shareholders rather suspicious.
One last note, a copy of this is being sent to Senator (Ted) Kaufman and Senator Merkley. Senator Merkley has been working with another BCIT shareholder and perhaps you might give his office a call.
I sincerely want to thank you for taking the time to read all of this and consider our plight. As I mentioned; we have much, much more information when/if you require it. I also ask Senator that you look into both matters discussed; the unfair delisting of BCIT and the stonewalling of the DTC.

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06/15/09 6:43 PM

#118496 RE: clarity789 #118486

What has happened to that 60MM Megas was going to put into this little fraud shell?
Any word on that 60MM just being used to pump this scam?