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06/09/09 6:00 PM

#81238 RE: extra #81235

It's just boom-back-boom , all
over again , like last year.
When this stock did a 10 bagga
on lesser news.

And , we all [longs +traders ]
Know that wnbd Must Keep
marketing and promoting the product ,
reach product MATURITY.
wnbd could be presented with offers
to sell the ENTIRE
product line and SUREfill could be
a household name.

And , the wnbd CEO is extra good.
I think he could be
someone who gets some BUZZ in
small cap circles,
for the success story in BARRIE,
ON [put them on da map]
wnbd investors have the vision,
foresight to know what is

If/when that wnbd PR Hits , we
expect the longs to be

PPS Only question know is...

WHICH country to launch next!

Y whine ? wnbd hope and soap
with fast paced marketing is strong like
Bull ...
Like gasonline
Poured on fire =Critcal Mass

And the wnbd longs+ supporter
are always
maintaining integrity in assisting the
company develop new market share.

WNBD's Longs have 2 basic goals , :

1] Watch WNBD grow and develop into
AmeriCAN success story.

2] Enjoy sharing in the success as PPS
appreciates as critical mass penetration [CMP]

And , so far , we're pleasantly
suprisedby Eric's innovative marketing
that build brand loyalty.
He's a true
genius when it comes to building a brand.

but the 'short'ers are a little
unhappy with results.

P.S. ....'we' like the NASCAR
tie in, for many reasons.
One is that Lowe's is already a
NASCAR partner.

PPS> ..Home Depot is also

'We' love the concept and direction
that the company is taking.

And , now wnbd is assocating with
Fortune 100 companies, it gets us
even more excited.,,,[NASCAR tie in
was a sharp move]
IOO always and sincerely

And, 1 year from today, ~This pinky will
be the talk
of the town% , and not just in Barrie,
But in da whole U.S. THousand of uses,
consumers will love, sales numbers=up
and folks--- that PROVES It.
And, these are going to be 'big' sales
#'s [IOO]
Something to really go bananas about!

Longs love these Odds. Think about, we
are at the front
A place where few companies find
themselves., Mostly
due to Eric surrounding WNBD with
winning partners, [like SureFil] ,
where they create
winning partnerships
were already 'sure'ly making a impact
in that Grand Rapids co. A

And, the longs have seen this coming :
$When you build the distribution
infratstucture in a steady, methodical
manner , as it has beed done here
. Most often , success is inevitable.

[Dunn & Bradstreet is really Efficient
these days , thanks to the
internet. So far , cost is much less
than = $500 ,
w/ instant feedback. Actually ,
2 hours , and it was a weekend ,

wnbd could go on an epic run as
critical mass is achieved. the
wnbd short profits are short
[no pun intended]
already $3500+ , not even counting
tomorrow , + forevermore.]

JR , Sincerely .

P.S. ; We longs expect wnbd to start
reaching critical
mass over the next 12-18 months,,,[IOO].
we'd rather have you
on board the TRAIN. Look for Eric to
look into expanding
the relationship w/ NASCAR a wise move IOO
~99% normal pinky never reach this stage.

Imagine if WNBD were to hire Professional
celebrity endorsement or advertise on
NATIONAL TV...maybe even HOME MAKEOVER [plug]
The float will be eaten up at these levels, IOO.

Meanwhile , the wnbd day-trader shorters continue
to cry in their [cheap] beer and up with 'short' end
of the stick. Its sad to watch them some days.

Bottom-Line about wnbd : The best days are ahead of it
exactly the way , other household brands were built.]

So, we All agree. Best post of the century. So Far.

P.P.S. ; We longs really like the new investors who are
getting onboard and 'due' diligence they bring to the table.

'we enjoy the correspondence with Eric. keeps 'us in da [loop]

BUT what 'we' love most is the totally verifable products
on shelves throughout North America.

THis is the type of behavior' usually found with larger, multi-million dollar corporations
Its so obvious to us ; Create an effective product, combine it with sharp marketing and lean business practices
and 'we' have a winner! Eric has surrounded himself with strong executives and lets them innovate [like the book, 'Good to Great'].

There are At Least 3 Massive 'Inititatves' that will propel wnbd into the limelight in the next 12-18 months
Highly effective marketing [ioo] , as follows as, always IOO:

1] National rollout in the US to 'big box' retailers. [our fav]

2] Nationwide advertising via radio, TV and possibly [ioo] continued advertising within NASCAR circuit.

3] But ; here's the Biggie , HOW about the possibility of a celebrity endorsement or [plug] additional tie in with Home Makeover show!! [smile]

The wnbd WEBSITE ; appears to be in transition mode
and [maybe] we could see SEO and other key word advertising strategies initiated to further gain exposure. example: winestains, paint stains!! MORE $$

Many will be watching this launch very carefully [this TYPE of product launch has happened many times, SEE OXYCLEAN]It is all
in the execution at this point + ERIC can pull it off.