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06/05/09 8:02 PM

#78819 RE: StephanieVanbryce #78817

in a totally unrelated tangent, one of the Manson killers is up for parole.

I think Charles Manson should be put into perspective with Dick Cheney. Charles Manson was not in even in the same county as where the murders occurred his alibi for his location was airtight. He was originally sentenced to death for "urging" others to commit murder.

Dick Cheney urged the use of "enhanced interrogation", and, if media reports are to be believed, several prisoners died during their interrogations. He was several levels of supervision above the physical participants, but when you step back and look at it, the crimes of Cheney are not all that different.

Some people do major rationalizations of his motives, but the end result was the same... people that were innocent under the law were harmed, even though several or even most of them were probably complete terrorists and deserved to be put to death, however, that was not his call. What Dick forgot was, that people are innocent until proven guilty under our system, and Dick violated that tenet. As distasteful as it was, as these were guerilla fucksticks for the most part, that violation of law and the american way probably recruited thousands for al quaeda, and hurt our cause worldwide.

The torture has not been proven to actually have saved anyone or have prevented so much as a hangnail against american interests. I think obama is missing the boat in not scraping open that wound and exposing it to the light of day. It would show the world what we are made of, and that we are not afraid of the truth, and that we police our own.

Dick's pre-emptive strikes in the media are just that, the whimpering attempt of a punk to divert attention away from himself. Even Nancy "Botox" Pelosi figured out that shutting up was the only way to combat the blowhard.

The sonofabitch clearly needs to be indicted. He is just lucky that the country is overwhelmed with other items right now, or he would probably be answering inquests rather than pointing fingers.