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06/05/09 10:27 AM

#152537 RE: Bramabill #152516

Friday's Rant: All these brokers...ScoTTurd, Ameriturd, E*Turd...are all the same. There is NO valid excuse or reason to restrict buying and/or selling of a stock. They are in business to provide only ONE service to their clients and that is to buy and sell stock when I tell them to. I do that and they collect the commissions/fees. I don't need a brokerage to tell me that they are doing a restriction in my best interest...if I want to risk losing my a$$ in a stock, that is MY business, not theirs. Sure, I can call it in, but I'm lazy (and inconvenienced) by having to do so....we all have online accounts for the convenience. They know that, they slow done the momentum of a stock, and the brokerages cover their ass because they are short. There...I feel better...go EESO! Oh...go Zecco or something, someone that doesn't restrict anything.