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06/13/02 1:05 AM

#14332 RE: Allthat #14331

Please point out any "mistruth" I've posted (backed with documentation) and I'll be happy to acknowledge the error(s). Perhaps you could start by documenting exactly how much of their own money insiders have spent purchasing SEVU stock. If it's "a million dollars" as Bigbizz claims, I'll eat not only my words but also my computer.

If indeed they put up their own money to avoid diluting the stock as you insist, then why didn't they put up a little more instead of issuing another 500,000 shares to two "consultants," per their S-8 registration statement filed just today? One of those "consultants," Brenda Hamilton, is a lawyer. Who the heck knows who the other one, Tom Nemeth, is. This latest S8 is a perfect example of the "stock as currency" point I was trying to make in my earlier post.

PS: Notice that Carol McAtee is again listed as their "independent auditors" on the S-8. Remember a few months back when they essentially blamed McAtee for their earnings restatements and claimed they had "approved" hiring Aidman Piser as their new auditors? I guess we'll have to keep parsing their words, since "approving" something and actually doing it are apparently two different things in SeaViewSpeak.