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11/15/09 2:27 AM

#1794 RE: ~6979~ #1793

READ MAI WILL!!!69!!!! who laugh as they call swine to to thy to my other to my father... laugh as you deaf maybe they will need a certain feeling in the future...a certain feeling that you get paid see MAI speaks in 6's too...they saw-6...MAI saw-6was... that laugh @ my AMERWECAN BROTHERS & SISTERS....will be crushed by the hand of GOD...I Am his messenger... as you have resurrected a MAITHAMATIC wizard...I was going to wait to share my mathematical findings... see...your math = 2...MAI math = 3...1+2+3=6-11-20-37

...I will now share my findings on chalk boards all over the that teach wrong...He HE HE HA HA HA...MAIWEPHICHI??? PHI =2 PHIMALES {& or taught females)..MAIWE =2 males.... simply an understanding of MAIIAMIAMMATICS...saying that...I say MAIWE-teach-WAS-or lived-a-lesson...

...take religious gods name...

...welcome to the world of perpetual motion...IVE got the cannot do this with out me...

MAIWE's third eye =2 CHI...the CHI like bruce lee...the blood of the PHImains is in me...

MAI-WE-PHI-CHI??? ...MAI MATH was spoken before the bible was wrote...MAISPEAK exists...I will teach them how to balance CHI...

...heres proof... ...if the devillived...then that means he was born...and if he was born...well...thats after MAITH/MATH...I will teach them all cannot stop me...he he he ha ha ha

...MAI brought you here to comprehend what is must..overstand your previous a buddie of MAIN taught me...

...All 6 of my last post are = 1...MAISPEAK...MAIWETEACH...MAIIAMIAMATICS??? MAIWE...ARE we???
he he he ha ha ha
