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05/29/09 7:32 PM

#163577 RE: midtieroil #163576

If that is true, then why did....

Addax and Sinopec agree to full carries for ERHE, and then throw in $45 million bucks to boot? doesn't sound much like rescue terms to me.

Usually when someone is rescuing you, they don't throw millions of $$$$ at you while they are doing it.

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05/29/09 8:49 PM

#163583 RE: midtieroil #163576

LOL... "Barely afloat".

Nice try.
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05/29/09 9:09 PM

#163585 RE: midtieroil #163576

ONLY U!---Funny how people remeber things differently, isn't it. ERHE Found the BEST Partner that paid us what we wanted and is giving us a future!!!
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05/30/09 12:23 AM

#163587 RE: midtieroil #163576

Funny how we do remember things differently Midtieroil. I remember the board marveling at the deals ERHC got from Addax and Sinopec with a lot more cash than they would have received from Noble and Pioneer.

I remember being on the phone with the Vice-President for Investor Relations at Pioneer the day we found out that ERHC had signed with Sinopec and how surprised he sounded. ERHC and the JDA let Noble and Pioneer go because those companies did not want to play along with paying for all the Nigerian indies who had been added to the blocks.

ERHC replaced Noble and Pioneer so quickly, it appeared that SEO had been negotiating with Addax and Sinopec even before they lelft. And Addax and Sinopec had the blessings of the Nigerian power structure.

I remember hearing from someone wwho knows about the oil business in Africa. Before awards I asked him if Anadarko would get block 4. He responded, "I don't think Anadarko is the flavor of the month in Nigeria." For some reason Anadarko was not well liked in Nigeria, though I do not know the reasons.

Personally, I think you could be more closely related to Anadarko than you let on. I think you are on the board partly to try to show us how little we, ERHC officials, or ERHC partners know about the oil business compared to a real Houston oil company person.

You claim to know the details of Anadarko's plans for Block 3. It looks like they plan to be late to the party.

I think you have good knowledge of the oil industry but scant knowledge of how Addax will develop Block 4 and make ERHC prosperous in the process.

Have a good evening.
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05/30/09 1:18 AM

#163588 RE: midtieroil #163576

and IMO ERHE will sell long before any oil is pumped for sale from these blocks.... Maybe even sooner , Once drilling starts... However they still need to get over the government hurdle... I am sure any buyout/merger partner is going to want some sort of overture from SEC,DOJ,Senate that investigations are over and or formal charges will not be filed ... prob never going to get any sort of official announcement to an end to the ongoing investigations ,, but these guys r smart and have high dollar attorneys that will guide them ,, imo once ERHE gets a wink wink it will sell for a good sum and fast... IMO
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05/31/09 8:58 AM

#163660 RE: midtieroil #163576

LOL! Yeah, ERHC was desperate and Addax saved the day. To help you realize how ridiculous this asserion is, here is a reminder of who needed who...think Starcrest.