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05/28/09 6:05 PM

#1539 RE: badknees29 #1537

Great points Bad. Cheap Investor,
there is a difference between looking at the stock and looking at the company.

You, among others, are looking at the company and see it's potential. Yes- that's a way
to put money into something you think could provide a nice
With that hope sometimes it's best to tuck those certs in a
shoebox and plan on holding for a few years. my opinion

Traders look at the stock. Large "investors" rarely go
near a pink sheet stock. It's the traders who'd make this share
price move. Without momentum on the L2 every day, the price
will remain stagnet until attention can be gained on the charts.

So, while it's important to consider all factors- the remaining
idea is that a company ONLY goes public to raise money. Period.

This shell held a 9 cent position about a year ago. It's down
now. Do you think the company isn't making money from being
public? Of course they are.

Hard to tell what can be happening when structures aren't
released to it's shareholders. The shareholders are the people
who own a part of the company, aren't they? When pubco's abuse
the tactic of having a t/a they are shutting you out completely.

A company who treats it's owners like such aren't usually a
company that anyone would want to give more money to. It's the
quickest way to lose fact and start rumors....and spread the
sentiment from it's front doors to the chat boards.

all in sincerity,
it's time you demand answers to WHY they are hiding the numbers
from it's owners.