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05/27/09 6:02 PM

#144878 RE: mastaflash #144874

What are you talking about? Make up some numbers? Of course he won't. He will just bring on excuse after excuse why he didn't manage to bring out audited financials yet.

He already promised them and had an excuse. And this will go on forever.....of course that way he will never have to face the SEC about giving out falsed official audited don't realize that the single most easiest thing in this country is to run a scam on the pink sheets.

I wonder why not everybody is doing that for a living. It's almost too easy if you have that many naive investors lined up. Just sell some dreams, that's all you need.

Mr Biggerstaff

05/27/09 7:02 PM

#144890 RE: mastaflash #144874

imo - recent sec actions against eeso has scared jared straight. hard to pump when the eyes of the federal government are staring straight at you. jared jigs right, then left. sec stays in place with a slight smirk. craig runs, sees sec outside his home. very scary business.