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05/27/09 11:21 AM

#23524 RE: coydog #23523

The last time I posted here with some regularity I was called a shit eating dog by a stinking lefty. I guess having no clue is a lot better.
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05/27/09 11:42 AM

#23525 RE: coydog #23523

Socialism. A part of communism. I remember the backlash 40 years ago when I was a kid when some of these "programs" were started to help the minorities catch up. It wasn't long before then when the Japanese and Chinese were at least that far behind too. When is it all going to be ruled a "failed experiment" and go back to the right way, the way the country was when it was righteous?

You're tired of the left, I'm tired of the theft. It's been on me like a ball and chain my whole life. I earn a dollar and have to give most of it away to support those who didn't. I'm an engineer of a sort, but even I am a parasite because I rely on so many who came before me. Dare I say that Straight, White, Males have made up a vast majority of the innovators and engineers in this country? Does 99.99% sound about right? Without engineers we'd all be in mud huts like the ones in Africa and the favelas of Brazil. What would gays do without the invention of the video camera? What would women do without the corporation in which they perform marketing? I have yet to be proved wrong.
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05/27/09 12:05 PM

#23528 RE: coydog #23523

No coydog, some of your statements show a bias of not having experience. People have died in this country simply because of the color of their skin....probably in your lifetime, yet you want to simplify the argument to who posts a picture of what. You want to think that minorities are simply this brooding group looking to blame inequities on someone, other than accept responsibilities for their own well being. You want to use YOUR life experience as the base line litmus of what others are capable of, and if they fall short, its because of initiative, etc.

No, I think you are quite intelligent, but on this subject, it's like me asking you what childbirth feels like.